09th August 2018 – Young Reporters for Environment
The workshop for Teachers’ Training onYoung Reporters for Environment - Litterless Campaign 2018 took place at Sachdeva Global School in Dwarka, New Delhi. The session was aimed at orienting the teachers of participating schools about the YRE Litterless Campaign 2018. The workshop began with introducing the partner organizations namely Centre for Environment Education (India), Foundation for Environmental Education (Denmark), SAYEN (South Asia Youth Environment Network) and Wrigley Company Foundation.
Over 100 schools from all across India have signed up for the YRE – 2018 Litterless Campaign.
The teachers were then given a set of tasks related to the issue of waste and littering behavior. The tasks were aimed for teachers to inculcate a deeper understanding of the issue among the students in their respective schools. Since the campaign deals with environmental journalism, the teachers were also oriented about the basics of how the knowledge of reporting an issue, proposing feasible solutions, documenting the work and disseminating information can be done by the students in order to raise awareness and take a stand to protect the environment. The entries in the campaign can be given in the form of a photograph, article or a video which can be used to raise awareness, report an issue or propose a solution.
The teachers were also shown the winning entries of the previous campaign to give an overall idea of how the entries are judged nationally as well as internationally. In the concluding part, the teachers were oriented about the rules of the campaign and acceptable formats of the entries which are to be submitted by the students.
The workshop is expected to help the teachers of participating schools in the following way:-
1. It will help brainstorming with the students regarding the issue of waste and littering behavior.
2. The teachers can teach the students how to analyze and report an environmental issue in different forms across different media platforms.
3. It will help the teachers and students know about the importance of journalism in the field of environmental sustainability.
4. The school will have a chance to represent the steps taken by the management and the students in the field of waste management or environmental sustainability on an international platform like SAYEN.