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Parents’ Day Celebration (Class-I) 18th September 2024 – Parents’ Day Celebration (Class-I)

“There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.” – Henry Ward Beecher  

Parents’ Day is a day for the children to make their parents feel how grateful they are for having such lovely parents. To recognize and appreciate the love, support, and guidance that the parents provide to their children, a special program was organized for the parents of Class-I on 18th September, 2024 at Sachdeva Global School. All the Class I students poured their hearts out to thank their parents, who have shaped up their life in such a beautiful way. The event started with taking blessings of God by lamp lighting. Afterwards, an exciting set of performances were arranged for the parents of CIass-I which included beautifully performed Guru Vandana, a special tribute by students, to thank the first Gurus of their lives. This was followed by a heart melting welcome song presented by the students in remembrance of all the love and support a mother and a father provides to their child, all their lives. Thereupon, to appreciate the love and support of the parents, a few students shared their experiences with all the parents and distinguished guests. A playful and fun skit was presented by the students. To conclude, the students presented a beautiful poem, followed by a vibrant dance performance.

The purpose of celebrating Parents’ Day was to show appreciation towards the parents for their commitment to raise a family, strengthening the bond of love. The atmosphere created was full of joy and happiness.

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आंतरिक कक्षा प्रतियोगिता: शब्द-सार (कक्षा-२) 17th September 2024 – आंतरिक कक्षा प्रतियोगिता: शब्द-सार (कक्षा-२)

हिन्दी है हमारा अभिमान, देश की शान और संस्कृति की पहचान।  

हिन्दी भाषा हमारी मातृभाषा होने के साथ-साथ हमारी संस्कृति की आत्मा भी है। इसकी सरलता, मधुरता और अभिव्यक्ति की शक्ति इसे विशेष बनाती है। हिन्दी न केवल हमें अपने इतिहास और परम्पराओं से जोड़ती है, बल्कि देशभर में एकता और आपसी समझ का सेतु भी है।

हिन्दी भाषा का सम्मान और उसके महत्व को समझाने के लिए कक्षा २ में एक आंतरिक-कक्षा प्रतियोगिता: शब्द-सार का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें विद्यार्थियों ने बड़े उत्साह और उमंग के साथ भाग लिया। इस प्रतियोगिता में छात्रों ने अपनी हिंदी शब्दावली का प्रदर्शन किया एवं सही वर्तनी लिखने में भी निपुणता साबित की।

इस प्रतियोगिता ने न केवल छात्रों को हिंदी से जोड़ा, बल्कि उनमें हिंदी के प्रति प्रेम और गर्व की भावना भी विकसित की। इस प्रयास ने बच्चों को अपनी मातृभाषा की गरिमा और सुंदरता से जुड़ने का एक सुनहरा अवसर प्रदान किया।

प्रतियोगिता के विजेता इस प्रकार हैं:

नाम कक्षा स्थान
लिशा रानी २-अ प्रथम
आरना चौधरी २-अ द्वितीय
लिन्शा लामा २-अ द्वितीय
सुदीक्षा लक्क्रा २-अ द्वितीय
दक्षिता यादव २-अ तृतीय
हर्षित ठाकुर २-अ तृतीय
अद्विक निपाने २-अ सराहना
धैर्य २-अ सराहना
कृषांश कालरा २-अ सराहना
मनन सिंह कराकोटी २-अ सराहना
इनाया शर्मा २-ब प्रथम
सानिध्य २-ब प्रथम
विहान वर्मा २-ब प्रथम
मोहम्मद अमानत अख्तर २-ब द्वितीय
ज़ैनब २-ब द्वितीय
तन्मय २-ब तृतीय
पुरंजय सिंह २-ब तृतीय
कनक २-ब तृतीय
वंशिका २-ब सराहना
क्रिशा सिंह २-ब सराहना
दक्षित सोनी २-ब सराहना
रितिका सिंह २-ब सराहना
डिक्सी २-स प्रथम
लक्ष्य २-स प्रथम
समायरा २-स द्वितीय
गोपेश गोयल २-स तृतीय
खुशी २-स सराहना
सेजलप्रीत कौर २-ड प्रथम
आरव २-ड प्रथम
अस्मी ममगाइन २-ड प्रथम
आरोही यादव २-ड द्वितीय
शिवांश आनंद २-ड द्वितीय
रिहान सिंह २-ड तृतीय
प्रिशा बिष्ट २-ड सराहना
सानवी शर्मा २-ड सराहना

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प्रार्थना सभा: हिंदी भाषा - हमारी शान, हमारी पहचान (ब्लूम्स-ब) 13th September 2024 – प्रार्थना सभा: हिंदी भाषा - हमारी शान, हमारी पहचान (ब्लूम्स-ब)

हिंदुस्तान की शान है हिंदी
हर हिंदुस्तानी की पहचान है हिंदी,
एकता की अनुपम परंपरा है हिंदी
हर दिल का अरमान है हिंदी I

भारत की राजभाषा हिंदी जन-जन की भाषा है। हमारे देश में सबसे अधिक बोली जाने वाली भाषा हिंदी, मात्र विषय नहीं है, बल्कि ये हमारे भारत की आत्मा और प्राण है।

इस अवसर पर बच्चों ने हिंदी दिवस के ऐतिहासिक महत्व पर प्रकाश डाला। उन्होंने बताया कि 14 सितंबर 1949 को हिंदी को भारत की राजभाषा का दर्जा मिला था। इसके बाद से हर साल इस दिन को हिंदी दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है। हिंदी भाषा की समृद्ध संस्कृति और इसके वैश्विक महत्व पर भी चर्चा की गई।

कुछ विद्यार्थियों ने हिंदी भाषा के महत्व पर अपने विचार व्यक्त किए। विद्यार्थियों द्वारा एक सुंदर हिंदी कविता एवं एक मनोरम नृत्य प्रस्तुत किया गया I

कार्यक्रम के अंत में सभी को हिंदी दिवस की शुभकामनाएँ दी गई और हिंदी भाषा के प्रति सम्मान और प्रेम बनाए रखने का आह्वान किया गया। हिंदी भाषा हमारी पहचान है और हमें इसे गर्व के साथ अपनाना चाहिए।

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Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration (Buds-II) 06th September 2024 – Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration (Buds-II)

"With Ganesha’s grace, no challenge is too great."  

Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, is one of the most celebrated festivals in India, honoring the birth of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune. This festival holds immense cultural, religious, and social significance. It begins with the installation of beautifully crafted Ganesha idols in homes and public pandals. The significance of worshipping Ganesha during this festival ensures success, removes difficulties, and brings good fortune.

To commemorate this festival, different activities were organized for the students of Classes Buds-II between 2nd to 6th September 2024.

‘Ganesh Wall Hanging Making’ activity was organized for the students of Classes Buds-Blooms and ‘Card Making’ activity was organized for the students of Classes I-II.

Students were given stickers of Ganesha, leaves, riddhi-siddhi, and a mouse and were asked to paste them on a sheet. They also decorated it with glitter stickers.

This activity helped students enhance their artistic expression and deepened their understanding of the cultural significance of Ganesh Chaturthi, fostering a sense of devotion and creativity.

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Grandparents’ Day Celebration (Buds - II) 06th September 2024 – Grandparents’ Day Celebration (Buds - II)

"A grandparent is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and majorly a best friend."  

Grandparents’ Day is a cherished occasion to celebrate the special bond between grandparents and their grandchildren. It provides an opportunity for the younger generation to express their love and appreciation for the wisdom and care that grandparents offer.

In recognition of this special occasion, a heartwarming ‘Card Making Activity’ was organized for the students of Classes Buds-II. The young students eagerly participated in creating greeting cards for their grandparents. Using crayons, they beautifully colored the cards, putting their love into each stroke.

In addition to coloring, the students of Class II wrote thoughtful and loving messages inside their cards, expressing their deep appreciation and affection for their grandparents.

This activity not only allowed the children to express their creativity but also reinforced the importance of family ties and the unique relationship they share with their grandparents. The event was filled with warmth as the students proudly displayed their colorful cards, excited to share them with their beloved grandparents.

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Assembly: - Teacher – A guiding compass of our life (Blooms-A) 06th September 2024 – Assembly: - Teacher – A guiding compass of our life (Blooms-A)

“If you look behind every exceptional person there is an exceptional teacher.” Stephen Hawking  

Teachers' Day is celebrated on 5th September across India to honour and celebrate the contributions of all the teachers in our lives. The day also marks the birth anniversary of the first Vice-President of India and the second President of India Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a scholar, a teacher and a renowned philosopher.

To mark this special day, students of Class Blooms-A conducted an assembly on Teacher– A guiding compass of our life on 6th September 2024. The assembly began with the school prayer. Students spoke about the value and contribution of teachers in their daily lives. They expressed their gratitude towards their teachers for their tireless efforts. It was followed by a dance performance, which added a celebratory atmosphere to the event, making it both enjoyable and meaningful.

To conclude the assembly, students presented handmade cards and small tokens of appreciation to the HOS, Incharge and their teachers, symbolizing their respect and gratitude.

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Teacher’s Day Assembly 05th September 2024 – Teacher’s Day Assembly

"Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges." - Joyce Meyer, American author.  

Sachdeva Global School celebrated Teachers' Day on 5th of September, with great enthusiasm and gratitude. The event, organized by the students of Class XII, was a heartfelt tribute to the dedication and efforts of our esteemed teachers. The program commenced with a warm welcome and an inspiring speech, setting the tone for the day's festivities. Following the welcome, the talented girls from Class XII presented a mesmerizing dance performance that captivated the audience. Adding to the creativity of the day, the students performed a self-composed song, filling the air with melodious tunes that expressed the students' gratitude towards their teachers. The song was not only a reflection of the students' musical talent but also a touching tribute to the teachers who guide them. The highlight of the event was a humorous skit, portraying the day-to-day interactions between students and teachers, and ended on a touching note. It drew laughter and applause from both students and faculty.

As a mark of appreciation, the students felicitated the teachers with a token of gratitude. The teachers were presented with gifts, acknowledging their hard work, commitment, and the profound impact they have in shaping the future of their students. In the end, the newly selected student representatives of Rotary Club were also felicitated by the Head of School, Ms Miti Dhingra. The event was a huge success, leaving both teachers and students with warm memories and a renewed sense of community.

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Installation and Pinning ceremony of Rotary Club of Sachdeva Global School 03rd September 2024 – Installation and Pinning ceremony of Rotary Club of Sachdeva Global School

"It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving." – Mother Teresa  

N.K. Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka, proudly hosted the Installation and Pinning Ceremony of the Rotary Club of Sachdeva Global School Dwarka on September 3, 2024,. This ceremony celebrated the official induction of the new office bearers who will lead the Rotary Club in the upcoming year.

The event was meticulously organized to honour the newly appointed student leaders of the Rotary Club and to set the tone for a year of service and leadership. The pinning ceremony was a central feature of the event. Each new office bearer was officially pinned with the Rotary Club badge by distinguished guests, symbolizing their commitment to the Rotary values and their readiness to serve.

The ceremony concluded with closing remarks from the Rotary Club Advisor, who praised the new office bearers for their dedication and encouraged them to lead with integrity and enthusiasm.

The following students have been appointed as the new office bearers of the Rotary Club of Sachdeva Global School:

  • President: Yash Dua (XI A)
  • Vice President: Tanisha (XI D)
  • General Secretary: Dhanush Sujith (X A)
  • Treasurer: Smita (XI B)
  • Cultural Head: Avika (XI B)
  • Social Media Head: Dirishti Gupta (XI D)
  • Program Head: Om Narayan Sahu (IX B)
  • Community Service Project Head: Prachi Tomar (XI A)
  • Event Management Head: Sanika Goel (XI D)
  • Fundraising Activities Head: Kunsh Chitkara (IX D)
  • Membership Head: Vanshi (XI D)

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Investiture Ceremony - 2024 02nd September 2024 – Investiture Ceremony - 2024

The Investiture Ceremony for the academic year 2024-25 took place on September 2, 2024, on the school grounds, marking a significant moment of leadership transition. The event commenced with the former Head Boy officially passing the school flag to the newly selected Head Boy, symbolizing the handover of responsibilities.

Following this, the Head of School, Ms. Miti Dhingra, conferred badges and sashes upon the newly appointed council members and prefects. The ceremony continued with the student council taking an oath to perform their duties with dedication and to uphold the school's values with honor and pride.

Both the newly appointed Head Boy and Head Girl delivered heartfelt speeches, expressing their gratitude and outlining their commitment to their new roles. The ceremony concluded with an inspiring address from Ms. Dhingra, who encouraged the student council to lead with passion and integrity throughout the academic year.

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Assembly: Certificate Distribution (Buds-II) 30th August 2024 – Assembly: Certificate Distribution (Buds-II)

"Next to excellence is the appreciation of it” – William Makepeace Thackeray  

Awards and accolades are pivotal in a student's life. Like correcting a student's fault, recognizing a student's success is also necessary. To acknowledge their hard work, enthusiasm and determination a small certificate distribution ceremony was held on i.e. 30/08/2024 (Friday) where meritorious certificates were given by the Incharge, Miss Mitali Sehrawat who conveyed her heart felt wishes to all the winners and motivated others for the same. Certificates were given for the Interclass Competitions held under the theme “Atulya Bharat”, English Rhyme Recitation Competition – Our Nation, Our Pride (Buds – Blooms) and Portraiying National Heroes – Paripurna Bharat (Class II).

This Assembly signified that how appreciating and rewarding is a great approach to celebrate hard work and success especially in a student's school life. Recognizing students with awards and certificates make them and their work stand out which again motivates them and encourages other students to work harder.

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31st August 2024 - Workshop on Competency Based Assessment -Science (Secondary level) 30th August 2024 – 31st August 2024 - Workshop on Competency Based Assessment -Science (Secondary level)

A two-day workshop on Competency Based Assessment (CBA), for secondary level, for Science was organized at Sachdeva Global School on August 30th-31st, 2024 for educators of various government aided and private schools under the aegis of CBSE Training Program, to chart a road map for customizing the competency-based assessment pattern as per curriculum.

The workshop aimed to provide Secondary Level Science Teachers with the tools, knowledge and strategies to effectively implement CBA in their classrooms. It also focused on equipping teachers with skills to design assessments that accurately measure student competencies that students need to master.

Ms. Deepti Sharma, Principal, Pragyan Public School, Jewar, U.P and Ms. Moninder Pal Kaur, Principal, Shiv Modern Sr. Sec. School, Paschim Vihar conducted the workshop as the resource persons. The facilitators demonstrated how CBA can be used to evaluate a person's ability to demonstrate specific scientific skills and knowledge through various techniques such as interactive group activities, presentations, problem-based learning methods, reflection and feedbacks.

The workshop successfully concluded with equipping educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to enhance their assessment practices and in fostering deeper learning and critical thinking. The workshop also provided ample opportunities for collaboration among educators, leading to valuable feedback and refinement of assessment tools.

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Intra-Class Competition- Paripurna Bharat: Portraying National Heroes (Class-II) 29th August 2024 – Intra-Class Competition- Paripurna Bharat: Portraying National Heroes (Class-II)

"Heroes are ordinary people, who make themselves extraordinary."  

Every Indian has his/her own unique way of expressing their love towards the nation. Role playing is one of the most important tools of learning and hero worship is a thing which carves the whole personality of the child.

In order to kindle the feeling of patriotism, an ‘Inter-Class Competition’ on the topic ‘Paripurna Bharat: Portraying National Heroes’ was organized for the students of Class II on 29th August 2024 where they presented themselves as freedom fighters such as Jhansi ki Rani, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Mangal Pandey to name a few. Children were smartly dressed and participated with much enthusiasm and enthralled everybody with their endearing acts.

The objective of the competition was to foster awareness among students about the famous personalities who contributed towards nation building and sacrifices made by our nation's freedom fighters in their struggle for independence. It also aimed to encourage creativity and historical understanding among the students.

The winners of the competition were as follows:


Dixi II-C First
Pehal Singh II-C Second
Asmi Mamgain II-D Third
Lisha Rani II-A Third
Sanvi Nilesh Rathod II-B Consolation
Aadit Nipane II-C Consolation
Sejalpreet Kaur II-D Consolation

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Inter House Clay Art Competition 29th August 2024 – Inter House Clay Art Competition

Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm--Earl Nightingale  

Clay art, also known as clay modelling, is the process of shaping clay into different forms to create art. Clay art can be used to make a variety of things. An interhouse clay art competition was organised for the students of class V, wherein the children beautifully designed Janmashtami scenes with Kanha ji, Handi, Matki, Krishna’s swing, etc using a variety of coloured clay. It was a vibrant and spirited event that showcased the creative talents of students from various houses. Participants were tasked with creating sculptures and models using clay, allowing them to express their artistic skills and imagination. The competition featured a wide range of themes, from nature and mythology to abstract forms, reflecting the diversity and originality of the participants. Judges evaluated the entries based on creativity, craftsmanship, and overall presentation. The event fostered a sense of healthy competition, teamwork, and camaraderie among the students, while also providing a platform for them to explore and develop their artistic potential.

The results of the competition were as follows:

Name Class House Position
Ajinkya V-A Peace First
Deepti Jangir V-B Peace First
Ivanka V-D Peace First
Malvina Sharma V-A Harmony First
Avishka Sinha V-A Harmony First
Vivaan V-D Harmony First
Hitarth Aggarwal V-B Glory Second
Shrishti V-C Glory Second
Kanak V-D Glory Second
Hridayanshi V-D Pride Third
Mahi Godara V-B Pride Third
Aarav Singhania V-B Pride Third

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Exposure To 100 Sentences in The Language of Lakshadweep  Activity (Classes III-VIII) 28th August 2024 – Exposure To 100 Sentences in The Language of Lakshadweep Activity (Classes III-VIII)

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.”  

In an effort to broaden students' linguistic and cultural horizons, an engaging educational activity was conducted at Sachdeva Global School on 28 August 2024 to expose students to the language of Lakshadweep. This activity was designed to enhance their understanding and appreciation of the region’s unique linguistic attributes.

The core of the activity involved presenting students with 100 carefully selected sentences in the language of Lakshadweep. These sentences were crafted to include Alphabets, Introduction to the unique characters and Common proverbs to highlight the wisdom and cultural values embedded in the language. Students gained insight into the linguistic structure and cultural context of the Lakshadweep language. It Increased awareness of the cultural significance and heritage associated with the language.

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Camlin Umbrella and Handkerchief Art Activity 28th August 2024 – Camlin Umbrella and Handkerchief Art Activity

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” – Edgar Degas  

Umbrella and Handkerchief painting is a creative technique used to apply paint directly on to fabric, umbrella, creating unique and personalised designs. It is a fun and creative way to express yourself. It’s a great activity for artists and children to explore their creativity.

Umbrella and Handkerchief art activity was organised by Camlin at Sachdeva Global School, on 28th August, 2024, for the students of class V, where the children beautifully painted the umbrella and handkerchief using a variety of fabric colours.

It was a fun filled, creative and engaging event designed to encourage artistic expression among participants. Using umbrellas and handkerchiefs as canvases, participants explored their creativity through painting and drawing, utilizing a range of vibrant Camlin art supplies. The activity fostered a fun and interactive environment, where individuals could experiment with colours, patterns, and designs, resulting in unique and personalized artworks. The event was well-received, promoting a sense of accomplishment and joy. Overall, it was a delightful experience that successfully combined art, fun, and creativity.

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Inter-House Yoga Competition (Classes III-V) 27th August 2024 – Inter-House Yoga Competition (Classes III-V)

“Yoga is a way to freedom. By its constant practice, we can free ourselves from fear, anguish, and loneliness.” – Indra Devi  

An inter-house yoga competition was conducted on 27th August, 2024 among all four houses of Sachdeva Global School. The participants from classes III-V participated in the competition with full passion and dedication. The competition was a serene and invigorating event that brought together students from different houses to demonstrate their skills, balance, and flexibility in yoga. Participants showcased a variety of yoga poses, from basic asanas to advanced postures, reflecting both their physical strength and mental discipline. The competition aimed to promote awareness about the importance of yoga for overall well-being, emphasizing the values of concentration, calmness, and mindfulness. Each house was represented by a team of enthusiastic participants who performed with grace and precision, demonstrating their understanding of yoga techniques and breath control. The judges evaluated the performances based on criteria such as alignment, poise, fluidity, and expression of inner peace. The event fostered a spirit of healthy competition and encouraged students to embrace yoga as a daily practice for maintaining physical fitness and mental tranquillity. Overall, it was an enriching experience that celebrated the harmony of body and mind through the ancient practice of yoga.

The results of the competition were as follows:

House Name Position
Harmony House 1ST
Pride House 2ND
Glory House 3RD

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Janmashtami Celebration (Buds - II) 23rd August 2024 – Janmashtami Celebration (Buds - II)

“Lord Krishna emphasises on the importance of following one’s duty or dharma.”  

Janmashtami, also known as Krishna Janmashtami or Gokul Ashtami is one of the most revered festivals amongst Hindus. The day marks the birth of Lord Krishna, the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu and is celebrated with great fervour and zeal amongst different parts of India.

To celebrate this festival, different activities were organised for the students of class Buds – II between 20th August to 23rd August 2024.

‘Making a greeting card and Decorating a flute Activity’ was organized for the students of classes Buds and Blooms. They pasted cutouts of Lord Krishna and peacock to make the card and decorated a flute using peacock feather. A ‘Colouring worksheet’ was done by the students of Class I wherein the students coloured the given worksheet and decorated it with sequins, feathers and cotton etc. A ‘Card Making Activity’ was organized for the students of Class II in which the students drew things associated with Janmashtami, coloured and decorated them with crayons, cotton etc.

These craft activities not only enhanced the creative skills of students but were a fun and educational way for them to learn about the life of Krishna.

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Indo Global Uniconnect Education Fair by DCEB Campus 22nd August 2024 – Indo Global Uniconnect Education Fair by DCEB Campus

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." – Malcolm X  

Sachdeva Global School hosted the Indo Global Uniconnect Education Fair by DCEB Campus on 22nd August 2024, offering students of Classes XI and XII a unique opportunity to explore higher education avenues in India and abroad. The event aimed to provide insights into a variety of undergraduate programs across various academic streams.

The fair began with an introductory session where university representatives presented an overview of their institutions. This was followed by an open session for Classes XI and XII. Students got an opportunity to interact with the university representatives on a one on one basis.

Prominent Institutions such as Whistling Woods International, Anglo-Eastern Maritime Academy, Fateh Education, Manav Rachna University, Shiv Nadar University, Plaksha University, KR Mangalam University, Education USA, Bennett University, FDDI, SIEC, and IDP participated in the event. The representatives provided detailed information on their programs, application processes, and campus life, allowing students to gain valuable insights into their future educational paths. The fair was an enriching experience for the students, helping them make informed decisions about their higher education and career aspirations.

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and 22nd August 2024 – Inter-Class English Rhyme Recitation Competition (Buds and Blooms) 21st August 2024 – and 22nd August 2024 – Inter-Class English Rhyme Recitation Competition (Buds and Blooms)

“Rhyme recitation is the art of bringing words to life, where each verse echoes with emotion and melody.”  

Poetry is the language of the soul, where words weave emotions into timeless art. It enhances creativity, rhythm of language and communication skills in children. A patriotic-themed rhyme recitation competition on the theme ‘Our Nation, Our Pride’ was conducted for the students of Blooms and Buds on 21st and 22nd August 2024 respectively.

The competition aimed to celebrate the diverse culture, rich heritage, and unparalleled beauty of our nation, India. The students were asked to recite poems that highlighted the greatness of India—its unity in diversity, cultural richness, and historical achievements. The competition was a grand success, leaving both participants and audience members with a renewed sense of pride in our nation. The event not only provided a platform for students to showcase their linguistic talents but also deepened their understanding and appreciation of India's cultural heritage. Each participant came well-prepared, showcasing their oratory skills and confidence. The young orators, dressed in colourful costumes, recited rhymes with great enthusiasm, filling the auditorium with a patriotic spirit.

The results of the competition are as follows:

Prisha Sharma Buds - B First
Baani Jain Buds - C First
Parushi Sao Buds - C First
Vaanya Karnwal Buds - B Second
Yashika Chopra Buds - B Second
Yokshita Rawat Buds - B Second
Niya Kutare Buds - C Second
Myra Shokeen Buds - A Third
Divyanshi Tejal Buds - A Third
Aviraj Dalal Buds - B Third
Iranshi Singh Buds - B Third
Delisha Buds - A Consolation
Rakshanda Ahmed Buds - A Consolation
Shriyan Grover Buds - A Consolation
Vedant Gangvany Buds - B Consolation
Zeashtta Moza Buds - B Consolation
Gauri Buds - D Consolation
Bhavika Malik Blooms - C First
Atharv Chatrath Blooms - C Second
Yuvaansh Sarin Blooms - A Third
Arnika Garg Blooms - C Third
Aanya Sharma Blooms - A Consolation
Nitansh Singh Blooms - B Consolation
Ilisha Thakur Blooms - C Consolation
Anaisha Singhal Blooms - D Consolation

Parliament Visit (Classes IX-XII) 21st August 2024 – Parliament Visit (Classes IX-XII)

"The Parliament is not just a place for debating and enacting laws; it is a forum where the soul of India speaks and where its collective dreams are shaped." – Dr. Rajendra Prasad  

Sachdeva Global School organised an educational excursion to the Parliament, New Delhi on 21st August 2024, offering students of Classes IX and XII an enriching educational experience, allowing students to connect with India's history.

The students got a chance to visit the chambers of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, the Central Hall of the Parliament and also the Parliamentary Museum and Library. This trip was conducted to help the students learn more about the working of the Parliament, the supreme legislative body of the Republic of India. They received informative briefings on the Parliament's history and its internal operations, which included a detailed explanation of the roles and functions of both the houses. Highlights of the visit included seeing the Central Hall, where Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru delivered his iconic post-independence speech. This momentous site provided students with a tangible connection to India’s historical milestones. Overall, this excursion was an enriching educational experience, allowing students to connect with India's history and artistic heritage. It broadened their horizons and ignited their passion for their respective subjects.

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Raksha Bandhan Celebration (Buds - ll) 16th August 2024 – Raksha Bandhan Celebration (Buds - ll)

"A brother is a friend given by Nature."- Jean Baptiste Legouve  

Raksha Bandhan, often referred to as Rakhi, is one of the most cherished festivals in India symbolizing the enduring bond of love and protection between brothers and sisters. Celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy, Raksha Bandhan transcends the simple act of tying a thread and embodies the deep emotional connection that siblings share.

To commemorate this festival, a ‘Rakhi Making Activity’ was organized for the students of Classes Buds-ll. The teachers discussed the importance of Raksha Bandhan and the bond between brothers and sisters. The students pasted flowers, decorative mirrors, toys on a circular glitter cut out which was then attached to a ribbon to make a rakhi. The main objective of the activity was to foster students’ creativity.

The students enjoyed the activity thoroughly as they showcased their creation and shared their personal stories. They learnt the importance of relationships in our lives and the need to nurture and protect them.

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Independence Day Celebration (Buds – II) 14th August 2024 – Independence Day Celebration (Buds – II)

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” – Jawaharlal Nehru  

Independence Day, celebrated religiously throughout the country on 15 August every year, holds a special place in the heart of every Indian. It is a day of great historical significance and is observed with great patriotic fervour and enthusiasm throughout the country.

Feeling the spirit of Independence Day, various activities were organized for the students of classes Buds to Class II. The teachers discussed the importance of Independence Day and the relentless efforts of freedom fighters who fought for the nation till their last breath. The main objective of these activities was to inspire our children to learn and understand the true meaning of freedom.

In classes Buds, I and II an ‘Independence Day Card Making’ activity was conducted in which the students used the colourful A4 size sheets folded in a card and decorated it with stones, sticker and other decorative material. In class Blooms, ‘Independence Day Badge Making’ activity was conducted wherein students made a badge using Ashoka Chakra sticker and tricolour decorative flowers.

All the students thoroughly enjoyed the activity as they expressed their feelings and creativity towards their country through art. It also allowed them to share their love and respect for the great freedom fighters of our country.

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Comic Strip Making Competition on Water Conservation (Class-VIII) 14th August 2024 – Comic Strip Making Competition on Water Conservation (Class-VIII)

“Water is a priceless gift of nature, so save it for future.”  

Water conservation refers to the practices and strategies used to manage water resources efficiently and sustainably. It involves reducing water waste, protecting water quality, and preserving this vital resource for future generations.

Class VIII students created comic strips to illustrate water conservation practices in Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands. This project was carried out with great enthusiasm and demonstrated student’s creativity and understanding of the subject. By using comic strips, the students effectively communicated important water conservation strategies specific to these regions. Their work showcased their ability to present complex concepts in a creative format and also highlighted the significance of sustainable water management. This exercise served as a practical demonstration of their knowledge and engagement with environmental issues.

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Independence Day Celebration 13th August 2024 – Independence Day Celebration

With hearts full of pride and eyes set on the horizon, Sachdeva Global commemorated the 78th Independence Day with grandeur and enthusiasm on 13th August 2024. The theme for this year’s celebration, “Amar Tiranga Meri Aan Meri Shaan,” beautifully encapsulated the essence of our motherland, as a cherished and sacred entity that has nurtured and guided us through the annals of history.

The festivities commenced with the hoisting of the National Flag, a symbol of our freedom and unity. Ms. Miti Dhingra, Head of School, along with the student council members, extended a warm welcome to all the guests, setting a tone of reverence and celebration. Shri S.K. Sachdeva, Chairman of Sachdeva Group of Institutions, delivered an inspiring speech that resonated with the ideals of perseverance and patriotism, motivating the young audience to cherish and uphold the values of our nation.

The event gained momentum with a mesmerizing performance by the school choir and band, whose melodious tunes and rhythmic beats stirred a deep sense of national pride. This was followed by an evocative performance that boasted of a rich history, swift economic advancement and a spirit of innovation. The performance highlighted our nation’s triumphs and progress, celebrating our emergence as a force to be reckoned with.

The grand finale was marked by the release of tricoloured balloons into the sky, symbolizing our spirit of freedom and unity. The release of the balloons was a vivid representation of our collective aspirations and enduring strength, as the colors of the national flag floated freely, embodying the essence of liberty and hope.

The Independence Day celebration at Sachdeva Global was a testament to the pride we take in our nation and its glorious journey. It was a day of reflection, joy, and patriotic fervor, reminding us of the enduring bond we share with our motherland and our collective journey towards a bright and prosperous future.

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Tree Plantation Drive (Classes III-V) 12th August 2024 – Tree Plantation Drive (Classes III-V)

"There can be no purpose more inspiriting than to begin the age of restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity of life that still surrounds us." — E.O. Wilson  

On 12th August, a tree plantation drive was organized at DDA park located in Dwarka Sector 14 with the primary objective of enhancing green cover, promoting environmental sustainability, and raising awareness about the importance of trees. Despite the humid weather due to recent rainfall, 20 enthusiastic students participated in the initiative. The students, armed with shovels and determination, planted a total of 30 saplings, contributing to the greening of the park. The saplings planted included a mix of species like Aloe vera, Sadabahar, Murraya, Jamun etc enriching the biodiversity of the park. Residents of the pocket actively participated in the drive, contributing to the planting process and learning about environmental care. The drive fostered a sense of community spirit and encouraged residents to take responsibility for their surroundings. The act of planting trees raised awareness about the importance of environmental conservation. Future plantation drives will be organized to further enhance the green cover in the area. Continued efforts will be made to encourage community participation in environmental initiatives.

The plantation drive at Dwarka Sector 14, conducted by SGS was a successful initiative that brought together the community to contribute to a greener and healthier environment. The drive served as a reminder for the importance of environmental conservation and the role that individuals can play in creating a sustainable future.

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Atulya Bharat Activity - Representing Indian States (Class I) 12th August 2024 – Atulya Bharat Activity - Representing Indian States (Class I)

"India is a land of tradition and symphony of cultures."- Albert Einstein to Swami Vivekananda  

Our country ‘The Incredible India’ is known for its unity in diversity, as it has a distinctive and astounding diversity of religions, languages and cultures. India is a unique country in the world where people live together in harmony as the children of one mother- ‘MOTHER INDIA’.

To celebrate this uniqueness and spirit of unity in diversity, the students of Class I participated in an interesting activity on the theme: ‘Atulya Bharat- Representing Indian States’ on 12th August 2024. Children donned the traditional attire of the different states of our country and said a few words about the state they represented.

Additionally, the students also recited folk song of the state they belong to and some of them represented their state’s culture through folk dance. It was a beautiful amalgamation of the colourful and rich culture and tradition of India.

Through this activity, the children not only learnt about the state and culture they belong to but also explored other’s culture and tradition. It also opened up an opportunity to gain knowledge, get a peek into our country's rich history and culture.

Inter House Computer Science Competition (Classes VI-VIII) 09th August 2024 – Inter House Computer Science Competition (Classes VI-VIII)

"Empowering students with technology is not just about preparing them for the future, it's about giving them the tools to shape it."  

"Technology's ultimate goal is to enable learning everywhere. It has revolutionized the world, impacting every aspect of life, including education. Technology facilitates distance learning, access to information, and organization tools. It connects students globally, preparing them for the future.

Sachdeva Global School, Dwarka, organized an Inter House Computer Science Competition for classes VI-VIII to harness technical skills. Students showcased their creativity through videos, posters, and Minecraft projects on topics like Cyber Security, Unity in Diversity, and Sustainable Development. The competition was an exquisite learning experience, and winners received certificates.

The results of the competition are as follows:

Pari Rai
Devansh Vashisht
Peace First
Glory Second
Krishiv Goel
Aadya Bansal
Harmony Third
Vihaan Mahore
Apoorvi Vashisth
Harmony First
Yuvraj Yadav
Pride Second
Hetarth Kapoor VII-C Glory Third
Vaibhav Sharma
Meyank Kumar
Glory First
Aman Kumar Rajak
Om Gupta
Peace Second
Garvit Garg
Harshit Gupta
Pride Third

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Movie Excursion (III-V) 31st July 2024 – Movie Excursion (III-V)

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." – E. E. Cummings  

On 31st July 2024 students of classes III & IV had the opportunity to attend a special screening of the movie ‘Despicable Me 4’ at PVR INOX Cinemas. The excursion aimed to provide a learning experience outside the classroom. It was also an opportunity for students to engage in a shared activity, promoting social interaction and teamwork.

The movie, Despicable Me 4, was chosen for its genre, themes and family value. It provided a blend of adventure and humour that kept the students engaged. The storyline, characters, and visual effects were particularly captivating, and students responded positively throughout the screening. It offered both, entertainment and food for thought, aligning well with learning goals. The movie featured several key themes, including friendship, courage and the victory of good over evil. These themes were particularly pertinent to the students' curriculum and offered valuable life lessons. The visual storytelling and narrative style provided an immersive experience that enhanced the students' understanding and appreciation of the subject matter.

The movie excursion was a successful and enjoyable experience for all. Students were able to relax and have fun while also engaging in meaningful conversations about the content. It successfully combined entertainment with learning and made the day memorable for the young minds.

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Rakhi Making Activity (III-V) 29th July 2024 – Rakhi Making Activity (III-V)

“Because angels are sometimes busy elsewhere, God created sisters.” – Sal Williams  

'Raksha Bandhan' or 'Rakhi' is a special occasion to celebrate the virtuous bond of love between a brother and a sister which is one of the deepest and noblest of all human emotions.

To commemorate this festival, a Rakhi Making Activity was organized for the students of classes III to V on 29th July, 2024. The vibrant and engaging celebration of Raksha Bandhan aimed at fostering creativity and cultural appreciation. Participants were introduced to the significance of the festival before diving into the crafting process, where they used colourful threads, beads, and other decorative items to create their own unique Rakhis. The activity allowed individuals to express their creativity while learning about the cultural heritage behind the festival. The students enthusiastically participated in the activity as they got an opportunity to show their talent.

In a heart-warming gesture of gratitude, the Rakhis crafted during the event were sent to soldiers, symbolizing appreciation for their service and dedication.

The event was a success, with participants showcasing their creations and sharing their personal stories. Overall, the activity not only enhanced participants' understanding of Raksha Bandhan but also provided a joyful, interactive experience that strengthened community bonds.

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Rakhi Activity (VI-VIII) 29th July 2024 – Rakhi Activity (VI-VIII)

Saluting you this Rakhi!, dear Soldier..  

Sachdeva Global School organized a special Raksha Bandhan event for students from classes VI to VIII. This year, the celebration took on a unique and noble form, as the students were given the task of creating handmade Rakhi for our brave soldiers.

The classrooms were abuzz with creativity and enthusiasm as students eagerly crafted beautiful Rakhi using a variety of materials. From colorful threads and beads to glitter and sequins, each Rakhi was a masterpiece, reflecting the students' dedication and artistic skills. The young artisans poured their hearts into their work, knowing that their efforts would bring smiles to the faces of the soldiers who protect our nation. The event was a resounding success, with a huge number of beautifully crafted rakhies ready to be sent to the soldiers. The school community takes immense pride in the students' efforts and hopes that these tokens of affection will bring joy and comfort to our soldiers, reminding them that they are always in our thoughts and prayers.

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Annual Exhibition 2024-25 (Classes VI-XII) 27th July 2024 – Annual Exhibition 2024-25 (Classes VI-XII)

Sachdeva Global School proudly presented a groundbreaking exhibition on Saturday, 27th July 2024, that demonstrated the pinnacle of academic achievement and technological innovation. The event, held in the school premises featured an impressive array of exhibits spanning the domains of Languages, Science, Social Science, Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Robotics. The Languages Section of the exhibition captivated visitors with its diverse displays celebrating linguistic diversity and cultural richness. However the Science and AI Sections featured scientific exploration, with students programming AI models to predict weather patterns and analyse complex data. In the Arithmetic section, students showcased their mathematical prowess while the Social Science exhibits provided profound insights into historical events, socio-economic trends, and global issues.

The exhibition garnered praise from parents, and guests for its educational value and the students’ exemplary performance. Parents were particularly impressed by the depth of knowledge and confidence exhibited by the students. The event highlighted the school’s dedication to fostering innovation and critical thinking among students.

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Tree Plantation Drive 26th July 2024 – Tree Plantation Drive

“He who plants a tree, plants a hope.” – Lucy Larcom  

Students and teachers of the Eco club carried out yet another Plantation Drive on 26th July in which they planted 35 saplings in the school. This activity further strengthened the aim of the program- ‘Mission Life’ to increase awareness among the students regarding environment conservation.

Students at SGS will continue their efforts towards environment conservation and sustainability by taking part in such activities. The students planted the following saplings

Aloevera 5
Sadabahar 3
Kati patta 3
Murraya 2
Murga Kalgi 4
Peepal 2
Jamun 2
Harshinghar 2
Coleus 3
Tulsi 2
Portulaca 5
Syngonium 1
Snake plant 1

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& 25th July 2024: Inter-Class Poem Recitation Competition-Van Mahotsav (Classes I & II) 24th July 2024 – & 25th July 2024: Inter-Class Poem Recitation Competition-Van Mahotsav (Classes I & II)

"Van Mahotsav: Where Trees and Hope Blossom Together.” - Unknown  

Van Mahotsav is celebrated every year in the first week of July to raise awareness of tree plantation, its benefits and to encourage people to become more active in environmental conservation efforts. The festival has contributed to an increase in forest cover and has also generated awareness about the importance of trees and forests, instilling a sense of environmental responsibility among communities.

Keeping this in mind, an ‘Inter Class Poem Recitation Competition’ on the theme ‘Van Mahotsav’ was organized for Classes I and II on 24th and 25th July 2024 respectively. The students expressed their thoughts through a creative poem recitation on importance of trees and nature. It encouraged the students to express their feelings towards our planet with full zeal and enthusiasm. They were judged on parameters like relevance of theme, creativity and originality, and visual appeal.

Students were dressed up nicely in their costumes and used very creative, colorful and attractive props. The event was a great success and the students were appreciated for their confidence.

The winners of the competition were as follows-

Class I

Anaisha Rawat I-D First
Riyansh I-D First
Ajasr I-A Second
Aastha I-C Second
Vaishnavi I-A Third
Erisha Kaul I-B Third
Aashvi Rai I-C Consolation
Jeeyana Gaur I-C Consolation

Class II

Dixi II-C First
Saanidhya II-B Second
Sejalpreet Kaur II-D Second
Puranjay Singh II-B Third
Asmi Mamgain II-D Third
Kavin Khatri II-A Consolation
Aviraj Singh II-A Consolation

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and 26th July 2024 - Inter-Class Fancy Dress Competition: Nurture the Nature (Classes Buds & Blooms) 24th July 2024 – and 26th July 2024 - Inter-Class Fancy Dress Competition: Nurture the Nature (Classes Buds & Blooms)

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." — John Muir  

Nature is of paramount importance to life on Earth, providing the fundamental resources and conditions necessary for the survival and well-being of all living organisms. It’s preservation and management are vital for a sustainable future. To emphasize on the importance of nature in our life, an Inter-Class Fancy Dress Competition on the theme ‘Nurture the Nature’ was organised for Classes Buds and Blooms on 24th & 26th July 2024 respectively. The students showcased their creativity by displaying different elements of nature and their importance in our day-to-day life. The competition encouraged them to express their feelings towards our nature with full zeal and enthusiasm.

They were judged on parameters like appropriateness of the costume, originality, confidence, creativity and overall impression. The endeavour and diligence of the students was praiseworthy.

The winners of the competition were as follows:

Class Buds

Kabir Minocha Jairath Buds-A First
Vaanya Karanwal Buds-B Second
Yashika Chopra Buds-B Third
Mehar Narula Buds-D Third
Delisha Buds-A Appreciation
Shriyan Grover Buds-A Appreciation
Hitanshi Buds-B Appreciation
Prisha Sharma Buds-B Appreciation
Baani Jain Buds-C Appreciation
Parushi Sao Buds-c Appreciation
Varshit Rao Buds-C Appreciation
Aavya Malkoti Buds-D Appreciation
Myra Parashar Buds-D Appreciation

Class Blooms

Atharv Maheshwari Blooms-C First
Etasha Gupta Blooms-B Second
Goransh Tomar Blooms-D Second
Pravya Dahiya Blooms-A Third
Bhavika Malik Blooms-C Third
Arnika Garg Blooms-C Appreciation
Jiyana Dhingra Blooms-D Appreciation

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National Parents’ Day Activity (VI-VIII) 24th July 2024 – National Parents’ Day Activity (VI-VIII)

“Parents are the first teachers, shaping minds and hearts with love and wisdom.”  

‘National Parents Day Activity was conducted at Sachdeva Global School on July 24, 2024. National Parents’ Day is a significant annual observance that honors parents and parental figures for their vital contributions to our lives. It falls on the fourth Sunday of July each year. This special day aims to recognise and promote the essential role of parents in raising and nurturing their children. It celebrates parents’ unconditional love, support and guidance, fostering strong family bonds.

To give an opportunity to express gratitude and love towards their parents, various activities were organized for grades VI to VIII to celebrate National Parents’ Day. Class VI students participated in Hindi Story Writing, class VII engaged in Card Making Activity and class VIII students performed a skit on the topic “Challenges Faced by Parents and How We Can Support Them”.The students displayed keen enthusiasm, emphasizing their appreciation for parental roles while effectively showcasing their creativity and talents.


Armaan Sheikh VI A First
Aradhya Yadav VI A Second
Aadhya Aggarwal VI C Second
Abhijeet Pandey VI C Third
Sezal Keshwani VII D First
Advika Pathania VII D First
Aradhya VII C Second
Aarav Singhal VII A Second
Aryan Chaudhary VII A Third
Aanchal Rawat VIII C First
Aarav Tiwari VIII C First
Aditya VIII C First
Anaya Bharti VIII C First
Aarush Sant VIII C First
Achintyaa Kumar VIII C First
Aditi VIII C First
Akshita VIII C First
Arnav Phogat VIII C First
Arsalan VIII C First
Bhavyaa Nayak VIII A Second
Aarav Gahalyan VIII A Second
Devyansh Sharma VIII A Second
Daksh Patel VIII A Second
Harman Singh VIII A Second
Mansi Gill VIII B Second
Kunsh Singh VIII B Second
Manvi VIII B Second
Mayank VIII B Second
Pehal Rajput VIII B Second
Pihu Vashisht VIII B Second
Shriya Srisvastava VIII B Second
Sneha VIII B Second
Sanskriti VIII B Second
Manya Gulyani VIII D Third
Om Gupta VIII D Third
Mishika Verma VIII D Third
Paridhi VIII D Third
Priyank VIII D Third
Komal VIII D Third
Ojas VIII D Third
Kushagra Verma VIII D Third
Navya VIII D Third

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Career Guidance Workshop 23rd July 2024 – Career Guidance Workshop

‘If you make a career in what you enjoy doing, you would never have to press yourself to work even a single day!’ Confucius  

Sachdeva Global School, Dwarka organized a career guidance workshop for students of Classes XI and XII on the 23rd July, 2024, focusing on the topic Changing Trends and Careers after Class XII. The session was conducted by Mr. Praveen Khanna from the Pratham Group, he commenced the workshop by addressing the evolving landscape of careers and significance of staying updated with the latest trends. He highlighted the emergence of new-age careers that are gaining popularity and have promising prospects in the coming years. Some of the careers he emphasized included digital marketing, corporate law, ethical hacking, financial marketing, genetic counselor, data science, image management, and careers in Artificial Intelligence.

The workshop was meticulously structured to cater to students from various streams. Mr. Praveen provided tailored insights for each group, helping students understand the diverse career paths available to them. He also discussed in detail the careers that are expected to flourish by 2026 and the skill sets required to excel in these fields.

Additionally, he shared valuable information about prestigious Indian and International colleges and universities that offer specialized programs aligned with these emerging careers, enabling students to make informed decisions about their higher education.

One of the most engaging aspects of the workshop was the question and answer session towards the end. Students actively participated, seeking guidance on various career-related queries overall, the career guidance workshop was a resounding success. The insights and information shared during the session will undoubtedly aid the students in making well-informed decisions about their future careers.

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Inter House Skating Competition (III-V) 23rd July 2024 – Inter House Skating Competition (III-V)

“It's not the will to win that matters – everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters.” - – Paul “Bear” Bryan  

The Inter-House Skating Competition held on 23rd July 2024 was an exciting event that showcased the talent and enthusiasm of students of classes III-V. The competition was designed to foster teamwork, sportsmanship, and individual skill in skating among different houses. The primary objective of event was to encourage students to develop their skating skills, engage in healthy competition, and enhance the teamwork spirit. Additionally, it aimed to promote physical fitness and provide a platform for students to demonstrate their abilities.

The competition saw enthusiastic participation from students across all houses. Each house fielded a team of skaters, contributing to a vibrant and competitive atmosphere. The participating houses were Glory, Harmony, Peace and Pride.

The event was a resounding success. It not only highlighted the skating talent of our students but also strengthened the spirit of community and friendly competition.


Peace First
Glory Second
Pride Third

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Annual Exhibition 2024-25 (Classes III-V) 20th July 2024 – Annual Exhibition 2024-25 (Classes III-V)

“Creativity is a powerful force — a dynamic spark that drives innovation and progress.”  

The Annual Exhibition of Sachdeva Global School held on July 20, 2024 for classes III to V, was a resounding success, showcasing the creativity and talent of our students across various disciplines. The event featured a wide array of exhibits, including science projects, artwork, innovative designs and cultural displays. Students participated enthusiastically, presenting their projects that they had diligently worked on, throughout the summer holidays.

The event commenced with welcoming of the parents, followed by lighting of the lamp by HOS, Ms. Miti Dhingra. Further, the choir group sang a prayer and the visitors were addressed by the HOS, announcing the exhibition open for everyone.

The exhibition featured an extensive display of art and craftwork ranging from paintings, sculptures, to intricate crafts made by students. Each piece reflected creativity and skill development.

Students from different classes presented their innovative science projects. Topics varied from Environmental Studies to Robotics, demonstrating practical applications of classroom learning.

A section was dedicated to literary works in form of wall hangings and scrap books providing a glimpse of our nation’s rich cultural and diverse heritage. The display reflected the students’ literary prowess and imaginative thinking.

Students actively engaged with visitors, explaining their projects and answering questions. This interaction fostered communication skills and confidence among the participants. The exhibition drew a large number of parents, teachers, and community members. They appreciated the efforts of the students and the dedication of the faculty in organizing such a comprehensive event. Overall, the annual exhibition left a lasting impression on all who attended.

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Holiday Homework Exhibition 2024-25 (Classes Buds-II) 20th July 2024 – Holiday Homework Exhibition 2024-25 (Classes Buds-II)

“The best education does not happen only at a desk, but also by getting engaged in everyday living through hands-on experiences and exploring, in an active relationship with life.”  

When learning meets creativity, magic happens. We might learn new things at school but they stay imbibed in us when we add the spell of creativity into it. To showcase this magical world of children, an exhibition of the Holiday Homework from our young stars of classes Buds to II was organized on the day of PTM, 20th July 2024, which displayed an array of creative models, charts, wall hangings, etc. Parents were invited to see the efforts of their children. They were delighted to see the beautiful display of all the projects on various topics and themes that students prepared during the summer vacation and get access to creativity-based learning.

The hard work of the students was well appreciated by all. The parents clicked pictures and complimented the dedicated and sincere efforts of the students and teachers.

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Inter-House MUN Meet 19th July 2024 – Inter-House MUN Meet

Sachdeva Global School organised an Inter-House Model United Nations (MUN) Meet on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4: Quality Education and SDG 5: Gender Equality, on 19 July 2024 for Classes IX- XII. The event aimed at stimulating the United Nations deliberative processes and fostering student’s understanding of global diplomacy.

The competition featured participants from all the four houses. The students represented different countries (Finland, Sweden, Rwanda and India), with each delegation consisting of four students assigned to represent a specific nation’s interest. The students engaged in discussions on international issues targeting SDG 4 and SDG 5 and practiced negotiations and resolution writing.

The first position was bagged by Glory House followed by Pride House and Harmony House. The students performed with great confidence and enthusiasm. Overall, the competition was a successful educational experience that allowed students to engage deeply with international issues and practice diplomatic skills. It achieved its objective by fostering a greater understanding of global challenges and enhancing student’s abilities in public speaking and negotiations.

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Astronomy Workshop (Classes I & II) 18th July 2024 – Astronomy Workshop (Classes I & II)

“Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another.”  

Astronomy naturally sparks curiosity about the universe and encourages children to ask questions about how things work. An Astronomy Workshop was organized on 18th July 2024 at Sachdeva Global School to promote awareness and interest in astronomy among enthusiasts and beginners alike. The workshop featured an Introduction to Space satellites, hands-on activities and Q&A, making it an engaging and educational event for all participants.

The resource person delivered an interactive session on various topics such as space, satellites (Natural and man-made), Space stations, Gravity and Astronauts. The presentations included visual aids such as slides, videos and interactive demonstrations to enhance understanding and engagement.

Detailed information was given through visual aids to define the International Space Station, Hubble Space Telescope and uses of satellite. Q&A session also fostered interactive dialogue among participants and faculty.

The workshop proved to be a resounding success, achieving its objectives of educating and inspiring participants about the wonders of the universe. The combination of informative lectures, hands-on activities, and practical observations ensured a comprehensive learning experience for all involved. Feedback from participants highlighted a renewed enthusiasm for astronomy and a desire to continue exploring the subject further.

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Inter Class Folk Art Competition 11th July 2024 – Inter Class Folk Art Competition

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” – Aristotle  

The inter class Art Competition held on 11th July 2024, showcased the rich cultural heritage of India through three distinctive art forms: Warli Art, Madhubani Painting, and Folk Painting. The event aimed to promote traditional Indian art among students, encouraging them to explore and appreciate the beauty and intricacies of these unique styles. The competition saw enthusiastic participation from students across various classes. Each class demonstrated remarkable skill and creativity in their chosen art form.

Warli Art, originating from the Warli tribe in Maharashtra, is characterized by its simple yet expressive depiction of daily life. Students used white paint on a brown background to create stunning artworks that illustrated scenes of farming, dancing, and other tribal activities. Madhubani Painting, also known as Mithila Painting is known for its vibrant colours, intricate patterns, and themes that often revolve around nature, mythology, and folklore.

Overall, the competition was a resounding success, providing students with an opportunity to delve into India's rich artistic traditions. The event not only honed their artistic skills but also instilled a deeper appreciation for cultural heritage. The creativity and talent displayed by the students were truly commendable, making the competition a memorable and enriching experience for all.

Hardik Nambiar III A First
Ridipta Singh III D Second
Savi Sisotia III C Third
Srishti III D Third
Harsheel Phalswal IV-A First
Aaradhya IV-D Second
Anjani Arora IV-D Second
Ananya Shukla IV-C Third
Tania Dogra IV-B Third
Shivansh Minocha V-A First
Syed Waqar Husain Naqvi V-A Second
Kaavya V-A Third

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9th July 2024 – Ek Muthi Social Connect Drive 05th July 2024 – 9th July 2024 – Ek Muthi Social Connect Drive

The SGS community has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to social responsibility and a deep sensitivity towards the needs of the underprivileged. From July 5th to July 9th, 2024, the school participated in the ‘Ek Muthi’ program, a remarkable initiative aimed at fostering community connections.

Students from Classes III to XII actively contributed by donating pulses, rice and flour in sealed packets. The response was overwhelming, with the school successfully collecting approximately 975 kgs of grains for this noble cause.

This initiative not only provided essential resources to those in need but also instilled a profound sense of compassion and empathy among the students, reinforcing their commitment to supporting the underprivileged members of the society.

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Workshop on Experiential Learning 29th June 2024 – Workshop on Experiential Learning

A workshop on Experiential Learning was organized at Sachdeva Global School on June 29, 2024 for teachers across all disciplines and levels. Ms. Smita Mishra (Principal, Karl Huber School, Noida) conducted the workshop. The workshop aimed to equip teachers with practical strategies and methodologies to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes through hands-on experiences. The session focused on the concept and importance of designing experiential learning activities in the classroom to incorporate experiential learning.

The resource person demonstrated various techniques such as role-play, simulations and problem-based learning methods and engaged the teachers in activities simulating experiential learning scenarios. The workshop saw enthusiastic participation from all the teachers.

The workshop concluded with increased awareness and understanding of experiential learning methodologies, enhanced confidence among teachers in implementing hands-on activities and growth of teachers committed to fostering active learning by integrating experiential learning into their teaching practices.

Overall, the workshop served as a catalyst for transformative teaching practices, positioning educators to meet the evolving needs of 21st-century learners effectively.

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International Day of Yoga Celebration-2024 21st June 2024 – International Day of Yoga Celebration-2024

Sachdeva Global School, Dwarka, celebrated the International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2024, with an engaging online event. The virtual celebration brought together students from Classes VI-XII to participate in a series of yoga-related activities aimed at promoting physical and mental well-being.

A live yoga session was conducted via a video conferencing platform. A certified yoga instructor led the session, demonstrating various asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and meditation practices. Students participated enthusiastically from their homes, following the instructor's guidance. The session was tailored to cater to different age groups, ensuring all students could participate comfortably.

Following the yoga session, an interactive Q&A segment was held. Students had the opportunity to ask the yoga instructor questions about the practices, benefits of yoga, and ways to integrate yoga into their daily routines. This interactive session was well-received, providing students with valuable insights.

Students and parents expressed their appreciation for the well-organized and interactive online activities.

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Magic Show (Class III) 15th May 2024 – Magic Show (Class III)

“Magic is the architect of dreams, building palaces in the air with the bricks of astonishment.” — Jon Finch  

The art of magic is a captivating and ancient form of entertainment that combines illusion, sleight of hand, misdirection, and theatrically to create wonder and astonishment. The history of magic dates back centuries, with various cultures and civilizations contributing to its development. From ancient mystics to modern-day performers, magic has evolved while retaining its sense of wonder and mystery.

A magic show was organised by NIE Hindustan Times for students of class 3 in the school auditorium on 15th May 2024 at Sachdeva Global School. It started with an introduction by the magician welcoming the students and the teachers. The magician, Mr. Mahesh took the stage amidst applause and excitement. He captivated the audience with a variety of magical acts, and mind-blowing illusions. His engaging personality and interactive style kept everyone enthralled throughout the show. One of the highlights was a segment where some students were invited on stage to participate in magic tricks, adding an element of fun and surprise for everyone present. The laughter and amazement from the audience was palpable as each trick unfolded seamlessly.

The magic show received an overwhelmingly positive response from the audience. Students were in awe of the magical performances. The magic show concluded with a round of applause for Mr. Mahesh appreciating his skill and entertainment value.

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Workshop- Career Counselling: Studying Abroad 13th May 2024 – Workshop- Career Counselling: Studying Abroad

Sachdeva Global School, in collaboration with Jamboree Institute organized a career counselling session for the students of Classes X and XI on 13th May, 2024. The session highlighted the various options to study abroad and the importance of SAT for admission in high-ranking Universities abroad. The students were also introduced to the scholarships available for studying abroad in renowned Universities. Further, the resource person spoke about job opportunities abroad after course completion and then in the end he discussed success stories of his students studying and working abroad. The session concluded with addressing the queries posed by the students. Overall, the session was quite informative for the students.

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Mother’s Day Celebration (Buds-II) 10th May 2024 – Mother’s Day Celebration (Buds-II)

“When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” - Charley Benetto  

Mother's Day is a significant day to honour and appreciate mothers worldwide for their unconditional love, sacrifices and guidance. It's an opportunity to show gratitude to maternal figures for their support and devotion. To celebrate this beautiful day and encourage students to thank and appreciate their mother's love, numerous activities were organised for the students of Buds-II.

A ‘Souvenir Making’ activity was organised for the students of Buds and Blooms in which they decorated a flowerpot souvenir and made a trophy using stars of different colours respectively. A ‘Bouquet Making Activity’ was organised for the students of Class I in which they pasted beautiful flowers on a cutout. 'Greeting Card Making Activity' was organised for the students of Class II in which students made beautiful cards for their mothers.

All these activities helped students understand their mother's selfless devotion to their lives and encouraged them to appreciate and thank her for all she has done for them.

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Assembly: Mother- The Synonym for God (Class II-D) 10th May 2024 – Assembly: Mother- The Synonym for God (Class II-D)

“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” -Sidhan and Jack  

Mothers are a priceless gift from God and a perfect amalgamation of love, devotion and sacrifice. Mother’s Day is a celebration honouring the mother, as well as motherhood, maternal bond and influence of mothers in our society. To celebrate this day and show love and respect to mothers, the enthusiastic students of Class II-D presented an assembly on the topic ‘Mother- The Synonym for God’ on 10th May 2024. The students spoke about the importance of mother in the life of a person. They also presented Mothers’ Day songs to express their love for their beloved mother and a fun-filled dance on the song ‘Meri Pyaari Ammi’ which touched everyone’s hearts.

Thereafter, certificates were given away by the HOS to the winners of Intra-Class Competition held for the students of classes I and II in the month of April 2024. The assembly motivated all the students and encouraged them to put forth their best effort.

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Intra-Class Calligraphy Competition: Fancy Fonts (Classes I and II) 09th May 2024 – Intra-Class Calligraphy Competition: Fancy Fonts (Classes I and II)

"And style, by the way, is a very important thing. It is like your signature, your handwriting or it is something that you develop that is your way of presenting yourself and also your way of looking at what art - of how to make art.” -Robert Barry  

In today's digital age, we invariably rely on devices to use various fonts and create stylish text that is not only visually appealing but also serves the purpose of underscoring important information. However, writing is an important activity that should not be overlooked. In many ways, handwriting is still less restrictive than its digital counterpart and has many advantages both functionally and creatively. To delve into the realm of fancy fonts, an ‘Intra-Class Competition: Fancy Fonts- Design your name’ on the theme 'Crafty Characters' was organized for the students of Classes I and II on 9th May 2024 to stimulate and showcase aesthetic sense.

The students were full of energy and all set to display their beautiful handwriting. The competition was judged on the basis of creativity, neatness, combination of colours and overall presentation.

The winners of the competition were as follows:


Aarna Singhal I-A First
Anika Goyal I-A Second
Drisha I-A Third
Vaishnavi I-A Third
Yaashvi Goyal I-A Appreciation
Shreya Rathore I-A Appreciation
Ajasr I-A Appreciation
Agrisha Bawta I-B First
Harshika I-B Second
Siddharth I-B Second
Reyaansh Gupta I-B Third
Divya I-B Third
Mayra Ahlawat I-C First
Aashvi Rai I-C Second
Ishaya Soni I-C Second
Vivaan Goyal I-C Third
Shivanshi Jain I-C Third
Jeeyana Gaur I-C Appreciation
Ayaansh Singh I-D First
Mysha Agrawal I-D First
Jaksh Sehgal I-D Second
Miraj Sethi I-D Second
Kimayra Yadav I-D Third
Aashvi Rai I-D Third
Aparna Arora I-D Appreciation

Class II

Lisha Rani II-A First
Sudeeksha Lakkra II-A First
Mannat Gahlot II-A Second
Keyan Dalal II-A Second
Advik Nipane II-A Third
Manan Singh II-A Consolation
Aarna Chaudhary II-A Consolation
Tejas Prajapati II-A Consolation
Saanidhya II-B First
Puranjay Singh II-B First
Krisha Singh II-B Second
Inaya Sharma II-B Second
Ritika Singh II-B Third
Mishika Jain II-B Third
Karunya Singh II-B Consolation
Vihaan Verma II-B Consolation
Aadhya Jagarwal II-C First
Samayra II-C Second
Parikshit Gahlyan II-C Second
Pehal Singh II-C Third
Lakshay II-C Third
Eishveer Singh II-C Consolation
Hinaya Kalkal II-C Consolation
Rihan Singh II-D First
Saanvi Sharma II-D Second
Sejalpreet Kaur II-D Third
Advika Tamta II-D Third
Asmi Mamgain II-D Consolation
Shree Vaani II-D Consolation

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Raag-Ras - Inter House Singing Competition (Classes III-V) 09th May 2024 – Raag-Ras - Inter House Singing Competition (Classes III-V)

“Music replays the past memories, awaken our forgotten worlds and make our minds travel” — Michael Bassey Johnson  

The Interhouse Singing Competition (Raag-Ras) held on 9th May 2024 showcased a vibrant display of talent and enthusiasm among the participants. The event aimed to foster a spirit of healthy competition and camaraderie among the houses while providing a platform for students to showcase their musical abilities.

The students got to feel and understood the multifaceted charm and elegance of ‘ragas’.. The theme this year was ‘Classical’ in various ‘Ragas’. Students from all houses enthusiastically participated in the competition, representing their respective houses with pride and passion. A panel of esteemed judges, lent their expertise to evaluate the performances. Their criteria included vocal quality, stage presence, song and raag choice, and overall performance, ensuring a fair and thorough assessment of each presentation.

Peace house in raga ‘Bhairav’ brightened the audience and amazed the judges by singing a beautiful Bandish `Har Har Har Shiv Shankar `putting them in a well-deserved first place. Harmony house followed next through a striking raga ‘Bhupali’ and gave a notable performance. Glory house forceful rendition in raga ‘Shankara’ secured third position.

The Interhouse Singing Competition was a resounding success, showcasing the exceptional talent and creativity of the students. Beyond the competitive aspect, the event fostered a sense of unity and collaboration among the houses, reinforcing the importance of teamwork and mutual support.

The result of the competition is as follows:

First Peace
Second Harmony
Third Glory
Consolation Pride

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Inter-House Debate Competition (Classes IX-XII) 08th May 2024 – Inter-House Debate Competition (Classes IX-XII)

The Inter-House Debate Competition on the topic ‘Do We Really Need Privacy in This Digital Age’ was held on 8 May 2024, in the premises of Sachdeva Global School. The event showcased the intellectual prowess and critical thinking abilities of the students, providing a platform for them to articulate their perspectives on a topic of contemporary relevance.

The competition featured participants from all the four houses. The students presented divergent viewpoints, they collectively underscored the importance of striking a balance between privacy rights and societal interests in an increasingly interconnected world.

The first position was bagged by Glory House followed by Pride House. The students performed with great confidence, enthusiasm and eloquence. Overall, the competition served as a testament to the intellectual curiosity and analytical acumen of the students, reaffirming the importance of fostering a culture of informed debate and discourse within the school community.

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Assembly: Reading - Fuel for the Mind (Class IV D) 07th May 2024 – Assembly: Reading - Fuel for the Mind (Class IV D)

"Books and doors are the same thing. You open them, and you go through into another world." – Jeanette Winterson  

The school assembly held on the 07th of May 2024 was a vibrant celebration dedicated to the theme “Reading- Fuel for the Mind." It commenced with a poignant quote reminding us of the transformative power of reading: "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go," by Dr. Seuss.

It emphasized the profound impact of books on our lives, setting the stage for a day centered around the importance of reading. Following this, the latest news updates were shared, keeping everyone informed and engaged. The highlight of the assembly was a captivating skit presented by the students, showcasing the journey of a young student whose life is transformed by the habit of reading. The skit vividly depicted how books serve as catalysts for imagination, knowledge, and personal growth. Through compelling performances, the students conveyed the message that reading is not merely a pastime but a gateway to endless possibilities and enlightenment.

Motivational quotes about the power of reading adorned the assembly, inspiring everyone to embark on their own literary adventures. Students expressed gratitude to authors, librarians, and educators who fuel their love for reading and learning.

Ms. Miti Dhingra, Head of School, emphasized the role of books in nurturing critical thinking, empathy, and a lifelong love for learning. Additionally, she reminded the students that if they aspire to travel around the world, they can embark on this journey through the pages of books.

The assembly concluded with a reaffirmation of the school's commitment to promoting a culture of reading and intellectual curiosity.

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Scholar India Book Fair - 2024 04th May 2024 – Scholar India Book Fair - 2024

“Books are important for the mind, heart and soul.“  

Book fairs offer more than access to books. They expose them to different cultures, connect them with favorite authors, develop their interests in reading and motivate them. Therefore, students should strive to attend book fairs.

Celebrating the love of book like every year this year also ‘Scholar India Book fair’ was held in Sachdeva Global School for 3 days, from 2 May, 2024 to 4 May, 2024. The fair boasted a rich assortment of books from different genres, including fiction, non-fiction, science fiction, fantasy, biographies, and educational materials. Students from Pre-Primary to Class XII had the opportunity to explore titles from renowned authors as well as emerging voices in literature. The fair served as a platform to promote literacy and instill a lifelong passion for reading among students. By providing access to a wide array of books and fostering a culture of reading, it aimed to nurture critical thinking, creativity, and intellectual curiosity among young minds.

The fair contributed to the intellectual and cultural enrichment of the student community. Moving forward, it is hoped that such initiatives will continue to inspire a love for reading and learning among students, nurturing the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.

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Orientation - Time Management and Academic Focus 04th May 2024 – Orientation - Time Management and Academic Focus

In the fast-paced journey of academic life, effective time management and unwavering academic focus are indispensable skills for Class XII students. Understanding this crucial need, Sachdeva Global school organised a session on ‘Time Management and Academic Focus’, on 4 May’24, to equip the senior students with practical strategies to navigate through their academic challenges with ease.

Head of School, Ms Miti Dhingra addressed the students and the parents and enlightened them about the significance of utilizing time wisely, emphasizing how it directly correlates with academic success. Through engaging discussions and real-life examples, students were inspired to embrace time as a valuable resource and make conscious choices in its utilization. The School Counsellor too guided the students and gave them strategies to minimise distractions, set a clear academic goal, and practicing mindfulness.

One of the key takeaways from the session was the art of identifying priorities and setting goals. Students were encouraged to introspect and discern their academic priorities, enabling them to allocate time effectively. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals, students gained clarity and direction in their academic pursuits.

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Assembly: Without Labour, Nothing Prospers (Class II-C) 03rd May 2024 – Assembly: Without Labour, Nothing Prospers (Class II-C)

“A worker is creator a great asset to every nation."  

1st May is celebrated globally and is referred as International Worker's Day. The primary objective of the Labour’s Day is to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the working class, create awareness about their rights and protect them from exploitation. To educate the students to acknowledge the immense hard work and dedication of workers, students of Class II-C presented a special assembly on the theme ‘Without Labour, Nothing Prosper’ on 3rd May 2024. The assembly started by highlighting the importance of Labour Day and all the working men and women around us. The students presented a Hindi Poem on the topic with a lot of zeal and introduced us to some of the behind the scene heroes like postman, plumber, delivery man, gardener, sweeper etc. It was followed by a wonderful dance performance on ‘When everyone helps each other’ and ‘Zindagi Milke Bitayenge‘

The assembly concluded with a felicitation ceremony of the support staff of our school, where the didis and Bhaiyas were presented with a thank you card as a token of gratitude for all the hard work they render in making the life of students smooth at school. Ms. Miti Dhingra, Head of the School appreciated the efforts made by the students for presenting the Labour’s Day assembly.

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Workshop - Career Workshop: Culinary Arts 02nd May 2024 – Workshop - Career Workshop: Culinary Arts

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” —Milton Berle  

Sachdeva Global School hosted a workshop on ‘Careers in Culinary Arts’ on 2 May 2024 in collaboration with the Academy of Pastry and Culinary Arts (ACPA). It aimed at enlightening students of Classes XI and XII about the myriad opportunities in the field of hospitality, particularly focusing on culinary arts.

The workshop commenced with an illuminating lecture delivered by a distinguished Pastry Chef from ACPA who elucidated various career paths available for hospitality enthusiasts both within India and abroad. She provided invaluable insights and practical tips on how students could carve out a successful career in the bakery sector.

A highlight of the workshop was the hands-on experience provided to the students. Under the expert guidance, participants learned the intricate art of cookie baking. This practical segment not only enhanced their understanding of the subject matter but also fostered a sense of creativity and innovation among the aspiring professional bakery sector.

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Inter House Fridge Magnet Competition 02nd May 2024 – Inter House Fridge Magnet Competition

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, learning from mistakes, and having fun.”  

Fridge Magnets, once a simple accessory for holding notes and reminders, have transformed into miniature works of art and functional décor elements.

An Inter House Fridge Magnet Making Competition was organized on 2nd May 2024 for the students of classes III to V wherein, the children beautifully designed Fridge Magnets using a variety of materials. It was a fun filled activity which encouraged their creativity. The young ones participated in the activity with enthusiasm and exuberance. The activity fostered creativity and innovation among the students and aimed to provide a platform for students to showcase their talents and create unique fridge magnets.

The Fridge Magnet Making Competition was a resounding success, fostering a sense of artistic expression and imagination among students. It not only encouraged creativity but also promoted teamwork and collaboration as the students exchanged ideas and techniques during the event. Students from each house participated enthusiastically in the competition and showcased the potential of young minds. It left everyone in a state of wonder making it harder to choose the winner.

Result of Inter House Fridge Magnet Making Competition

Name of Student Class House Position
Kavish Dhawan III-A Pride First
Ananya Shukla IV-C
Prisha Ojha III-A Glory Second
Kavya V-C
Tanishka Chopra III-A Harmony Third
Anjani Arora IV-D
Malvina Sharma V-A

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Mother’s Day Activity (Classes III-V) 02nd May 2024 – Mother’s Day Activity (Classes III-V)

“Being a mother is like being a gardener of souls. You tend your children, make sure the light always touches them.” ― Karen White  

Sachdeva Global School, Dwarka, organized a workshop on Career Guidance on 26 April’24 on the topic ‘New Age Careers’ for the students of Classes X-XII. The session was led by an eminent resource person Mr. Shrey Singhal. He covered aspects such as various available career options in different streams, how to make a suitable career choice, and how to decide on the best-suited courses and colleges.

The workshop was highly engaging, with an enthusiastic audience eager to explore new opportunities in the evolving job market. Mr. Shrey Singhal facilitated a dynamic session, encouraging active participation from the audience. He discussed various career paths available to commerce graduates, such as finance analyst, marketing manager, accountant, business consultant, and entrepreneur, and highlighted the skills and qualifications needed for each role. Attendees were divided into groups based on their academic streams, allowing for tailored discussions and insights relevant to their interests and backgrounds. The motive of the webinar was to provide valuable insights and guidance for students on effectively navigating the shift from the academic environment to the corporate world. The session aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills, knowledge, and mindset to make a seamless transition and thrive in their professional careers. He shared insights into current trends and challenges in the business world, including the impact of technology, globalization, sustainability, and digital transformation.

Throughout the workshop, attendees were actively engaged in brainstorming sessions, exchanging ideas, and exploring potential career paths aligned with their skills and aspirations.

The workshop proved to be not only informative but also inspiring, as attendees left with a clearer understanding of the diverse opportunities available in the modern workforce.

The workshop was followed by an interactive question and answer session, during which participants had the chance to ask specific questions related to their concerns about transitioning from school to corporate life. The presenter provided practical solutions and advice based on their experience and expertise.

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Assembly - International Workers’ Day (Class IV B) 30th April 2024 – Assembly - International Workers’ Day (Class IV B)

"If you care about what you do and work hard at it, there isn’t anything you can’t do if you want to.” — Jim Henson  

The school assembly held on 30.04.2024 was dedicated to the theme of "International Workers’ Day." The assembly began with a meaningful thought highlighting that all the professions carry equal importance in shaping our society followed by the news update. The students then shared their thoughts to celebrate the spirit of workers’ day and understand its importance better, with a beautiful poem recited by one of the students.

Students were given the opportunity to share motivational quotes on labour day. Thanks to the workers who make every day brighter with their hard work and dedication.

Ms. Miti Dhingra, Head of School, graced the occasion with her presence and words of encouragement. The principal encouraged the students to take pride in whatever work they do in their lives.

The assembly also emphasized the importance of solidarity among workers and the role of education in empowering individuals to advocate for social justice in the workplace. Overall, the event served as a reminder that every work, regardless of its scale or scope, holds inherent value and deserves equal respect.

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Workshop - Career Counselling (Classes X-XII) 26th April 2024 – Workshop - Career Counselling (Classes X-XII)

Sachdeva Global School, Dwarka, organized a workshop on Career Guidance on 26 April’24 on the topic ‘New Age Careers’ for the students of Classes X-XII. The session was led by eminent resource person Mr. Shrey Singhal. He covered aspects such as various available career options in different streams, how to make a suitable career choice, and how to decide on the best suited courses and colleges.

The workshop was highly engaging, with an enthusiastic audience eager to explore new opportunities in the evolving job market. Mr. Shrey Singhal facilitated a dynamic session, encouraging active participation from the audience. He discussed various career paths available to commerce graduates, such as finance analyst, marketing manager, accountant, business consultant, and entrepreneur and highlighted the skills and qualifications needed for each role. Attendees were divided into groups based on their academic streams, allowing for tailored discussions and insights relevant to their interests and backgrounds. The motive of the webinar was to provide valuable insights and guidance for students on effectively navigating the shift from the academic environment to the corporate world. The session aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills, knowledge, and mindset to make a seamless transition and thrive in their professional careers. He shared insights into current trends and challenges in the business world, including the impact of technology, globalization, sustainability, and digital transformation.

Throughout the workshop, attendees were actively engaged in brainstorming sessions, exchanging ideas, and exploring potential career paths aligned with their skills and aspirations.

The workshop proved to be not only informative but also inspiring, as attendees left with a clearer understanding of the diverse opportunities available in the modern workforce.

The workshop was followed by an interactive question and answer session, during which participants had the chance to ask specific questions related to their concerns about transitioning from school to corporate life. The presenter provided practical solutions and advice based on their experience and expertise.

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Assembly: Summertime- Happy Times and Good Sunshine (Class II-B) 26th April 2024 – Assembly: Summertime- Happy Times and Good Sunshine (Class II-B)

"Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of April and June."  

Summer season is a significant season in a tropical country like India. It is a time of joy, long vacations, and excitement. It is also the time of the year when we get time off work, study, school and our daily routine. The moment we hear summer, a variety of things cross our minds like ice-creams, yummy shakes, drinks juicy fruits.

To tell us more about summer season, the students of Class II-B presented a special assembly on the theme ‘Summertime: Happy Times and Good Sunshine’ on 26th April 2024. The assembly centered around the theme of summer, celebrating the upcoming season and its significance in our lives. The students evoked a sense of excitement and anticipation for the warmer months ahead, while highlighting various aspects of summer that enrich our experiences. This was followed by a ramp walk done by the students showcasing different products like sunscreen lotion, sunglasses, summer fruits, ice-creams and other items used during summer season and telling about their usefulness and relevance. Next, they presented a fun Hindi poem ‘Garmi ke din aaye’ and ended the fun-filled assembly with a scintillating dance performance on the foot tapping song ‘It’s Summertime’, which was enjoyed by one and all.

Ms. Miti Dhingra, Head of the School appreciated the efforts by the students, highlighted the importance of this season and encouraged the students to follow the tips to beat the heat.

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Career Guidance Workshop by DCEB 26th April 2024 – Career Guidance Workshop by DCEB

"Your career is a journey, not a destination. Take the time to explore, learn, and adapt along the way."  

Sachdeva Global School, Dwarka, organized a workshop on Career Guidance on 26 April’24 on the topic ‘New Age Careers’ for the students of Classes X-XII. The session was led by an eminent resource person Mr. Shrey Singhal. He covered aspects such as various available career options in different streams, how to make a suitable career choice, and how to decide on the best-suited courses and colleges.

The workshop was highly engaging, with an enthusiastic audience eager to explore new opportunities in the evolving job market. Mr. Shrey Singhal facilitated a dynamic session, encouraging active participation from the audience. He discussed various career paths available to commerce graduates, such as finance analyst, marketing manager, accountant, business consultant, and entrepreneur, and highlighted the skills and qualifications needed for each role. Attendees were divided into groups based on their academic streams, allowing for tailored discussions and insights relevant to their interests and backgrounds. The motive of the webinar was to provide valuable insights and guidance for students on effectively navigating the shift from the academic environment to the corporate world. The session aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills, knowledge, and mindset to make a seamless transition and thrive in their professional careers. He shared insights into current trends and challenges in the business world, including the impact of technology, globalization, sustainability, and digital transformation.

Throughout the workshop, attendees were actively engaged in brainstorming sessions, exchanging ideas, and exploring potential career paths aligned with their skills and aspirations.

The workshop proved to be not only informative but also inspiring, as attendees left with a clearer understanding of the diverse opportunities available in the modern workforce.

The workshop was followed by an interactive question and answer session, during which participants had the chance to ask specific questions related to their concerns about transitioning from school to corporate life. The presenter provided practical solutions and advice based on their experience and expertise.

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and 30th April 2024- Intra-Class Competition- BEING CRE ‘ART’IVE- Transforming Trash into Treasure (Classes I and II) 26th April 2024 – and 30th April 2024- Intra-Class Competition- BEING CRE ‘ART’IVE- Transforming Trash into Treasure (Classes I and II)

"Recycling turns things into other things. Which is like Magic."  

We believe that there is a need to preserve what we have today, if we wish to see a better tomorrow. Young generation of today can play a vital role in preserving and restoring the environment if awareness is created in them. Keeping this in mind an, Inter-Class Competition on the theme- ‘When we care for the earth, We care for ourselves’ was organized for Classes I and II on 26th and 30th April 2024.

Little hands and creative minds came together with a creative burst of energy and imaginative skills for creating interesting things from waste materials like brown paper bags, old CDs, paper cups, and egg carton, boxes, pencil shavings, coconut shells etc. Participants made creative items such as pen holders, photo frames, pots for plants etc. out of waste materials. They were judged on creativity, neatness and presentation and types of materials used.

This event helped the participants showcase their creative skills and everyone enjoyed it. The students learned the importance of preserving the environment by Reusing, Recycling and Reducing the waste. They learnt how to preserve our mother Earth and its resources very responsibly.

The winners of the competition were as follows:

Class I

Anika Goyal I-A First
Viraj Singh Chauhan I-A First
Ajasr Godhar I-A Second
Ivaan Yadav I-A Third
Yaashvi Goyal I-A Third
Aarna Singhal I-A Consolation
Drisha I-A Consolation
Yashika Jangir I-A Consolation
Ayaansh Kumar I-B First
Aayushmaan Upadhayay I-B Second
Revansh Patel I-B Third
Viaan Pandey I-B Third
Mayra Ahlawat I-C First
Aastha I-C Second
Jeeyana Gaur I-C Third
Vihaan Yadav I-C Consolation
Ishaya Soni I-C Consolation
Itisha Srivastava I-C Consolation
Ayaansh Singh I-D First
Aparna Arora I-D First
Anaisha Rawat I-D Second
Aashvi Rai I-D Third
Devyansh Ray I-D Third
Mysha Agrawal I-D Third

Class II

Lisha Rani II-A First
Sudeeksha Lakra II-A First
Manya Goyal II-A Second
Manan Singh Karakoti II-A Second
Manant Gahlot II-A Third
Chavi II-A Third
Keyan Dalal II-A Consolation
Puranjay Singh II-B First
Inaya Sharma II-B First
Saanidhya II-B Second
Ritika Singh II-B Second
Vihaan Verma II-B Third
Mishika Jain II-B Third
Dixi II-C First
Samyara II-C Second
Hinaya Kalkal II-C Second
Lakshay II-C Third
Khushi II-C Consolation
Rihan Singh II-D First
Aniket Raikwar II-D First
Shivansh Anand II-D Second
Prisha Bisht II-D Second
Sejalpreet Kaur II-D Third
Vedanshi Verma II-D Third

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Assembly – “Beyond Labels-Embracing Autism as a Superpower” (Class-IX A) 25th April 2024 – Assembly – “Beyond Labels-Embracing Autism as a Superpower” (Class-IX A)

The students of Class IX-A presented the morning assembly on 25th April’24, on the theme – ‘Beyond Labels-Embracing Autism as a superpower’.

The assembly started with the news bulletin, followed by a skit with the aim of raising awareness and understanding about ASD. The skit fostered empathy, acceptance and support for individuals with autism. Some myths were also busted related to autism where famous personalities with autism spectrum were spoken about like Paridhi Verma and Satoshi Tijari. The skit was followed by a poem recitation.

In the end, the students raised awareness about how we can create an inclusive environment for individuals with autism spectrum. By increasing understanding and support, all individuals can thrive and succeed.

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Assembly: Take Care of Earth, And She Will Take Care of You 23rd April 2024 – Assembly: Take Care of Earth, And She Will Take Care of You

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” - Robert Swan  

On 23rd April 2024 students of class IV C conducted the morning assembly on the topic ‘Take Care of Earth, And She Will Take Care of You’. It is a beautiful saying that emphasizes the importance of caring for our planet to sustain the resources it provides us. It reflects the idea of living with harmony with the nature and recognize the interconnectedness between humans and the environment.

The students started the assembly with a warm welcome. The assembly continued with an inspiring thought highlighting the significance of embracing the nature, followed by national and international news. Just like nurturing relationship, when we care for our Earth by planting, avoiding pollution and preserving resources, she reciprocates by providing clear air, resources and fresh water. From reducing our carbon footprint, by using public transport or walking to school, to embracing sustainable practices like recycling, each small action contributes to healthier Earth. Students of class IV C encouraged pupils by saying quotations on taking care of our mother Earth.

In conclusion, students committed fostering a culture of environmental awareness and action because when we take care of Earth, we ensure a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.

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Earth Day Celebration (Classes VI-VIII) 23rd April 2024 – Earth Day Celebration (Classes VI-VIII)

“Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.”  

On the occasion of Earth Day, Sachdeva Global School orchestrated a series of engaging activities aimed at fostering environmental awareness and sustainability among students. Students of classes 6th to 8th participated in initiatives designed to promote energy conservation and waste reduction, embodying the school's commitment to nurturing responsible individuals.

Save Energy Reminder Cards (Class VI): Students of class 6th took the lead in promoting energy conservation by creating vibrant "Save Energy Reminder Cards." Guided by their enthusiastic teachers, students designed cards adorned with colourful illustrations and insightful messages. These cards served as impactful reminders to adopt energy-saving habits in daily life, inspiring peers and family members to join the movement toward a green future.

Best out of Waste (Classes VII and VIII): In celebration of innovation and sustainability, students of Class VII and VIII enthusiastically took on the "Best out of Waste" challenge to celebrate innovation and sustainability. With resourcefulness and creativity as their allies, students breathed new life into discarded materials, crafting them into impressive creations. From upcycled sculptures to eco-friendly crafts, each creation spoke volumes about the students' commitment to environmental stewardship and their ability to find beauty in the most unexpected things.

Sachdeva Global School's Earth Day activities of Classes 6th to 8th exemplified the spirit of environmental responsibility and innovation. Through initiatives like the Save Energy Reminder Cards project and the Best out of Waste competition, students not only learned valuable lessons in sustainability but also became catalysts for positive change in their communities.


Best Out of Waste (Class-VIII)

Kritarth Rastogi VIII-C First
Daivik Shrawat VIII-B Second
Sanskriti VIII-B
Bhavya rajput VIII-A Third
Hunar Saluja VIII-D

Best Out of Waste (Class-VII)

Aradhya VII-C First
Pulkit Singh VII-D Second
Reyansh Bhargava VII-B Third
Loshika Gahlot VII-A

Save Energy Reminder Cards (Class-VI)

Navya Vashishta VI-A First
Aadya Aggarwal VI-C Second
Aradhya yadav VI-D Third

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Intra-Class Colouring Competition: Colour Carnival (Blooms) 22nd April 2024 – Intra-Class Colouring Competition: Colour Carnival (Blooms)

“Colours are brighter when the mind is open”.  

Every child has an ocean of inner strengths. The proportion of these strengths varies from person to person. In order to develop awareness, boost inner strengths and enhance the creativity of children, an ‘Intra Class Colouring Competition’ on the theme ‘Colour Carnival’ was organized for Blooms on 22nd April 2024. The main aim of the competition was to ignite the creative side of the children’s mind and help develop their fine motor skills. The little artists participated in the competition with great zeal and enthusiasm and at the same time took great care to colour their masterpieces with their creativity. The students beautifully coloured in the picture given to them and exhibited their skills. The fun they had is certainly going to add a new innings to their colourful childhood memories.

The results of the competition were as follows:

Aarav Kumar Blooms-A First
Atharva Dubey Blooms-A Second
Yashvardhan Thakur Blooms-A Third
Pravya Dahiya Blooms-A Consolation
Aanaya Behal Blooms-B First
Arnavi Mangla Blooms-B Second
Purvika Yadav Blooms-B Third
Hardik Mishra Blooms-B Consolation
Mishika Singh Blooms-C First
Divyanshi Khatri Blooms-C Second
Bhavya Blooms-C Third
Shreya Thakur Blooms-C Consolation
Tenith Blooms-D First
Divisha Parti Blooms-D Second
Saathvik Godara Blooms-D Third
Bhakti Sharma Blooms-D Consolation

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Earth Day Celebration (Buds-II) 22nd April 2024 – Earth Day Celebration (Buds-II)

“The Earth is what we all have in common.” — Wendell Berry  

Earth Day is a great time to reflect upon the ways our planet takes care of us and what we can do to preserve the available resources for future generations. Starting with the soil that nourishes the food we eat, the water and air that give us life, we have so much to thank Mother Earth for. Honouring this day, various activities were organized for students of Buds to Class II on 22nd April 2024.

Teachers discussed the importance of Mother Earth and partaking in simple steps that can make a big difference in creating a sustainable future. An ‘Earth Day Head Gear Making Activity’ was organised for the students of Class Buds. ‘Placard Making Activity’ was organized for the students of Classes Blooms and Class II, whereas a ‘Badge Making Activity’ was organized for the students of Class I. The students participated with full zeal and enthusiasm showing their creative talent.

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Assembly: Preserve and Cherish the Blue Planet (Class II-A) 19th April 2024 – Assembly: Preserve and Cherish the Blue Planet (Class II-A)

“We need joy as we need air. We need love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth we share.” – Maya Angelou  

Mother Earth is the culmination of multiple and diverse energies which is brought together to create a rich aesthetic experience with a message of harmony and co-existence. Earth and the resources of Earth make life possible on it. If we were to imagine our lives without these resources, that would not be possible as life cannot function without sunshine, air, vegetation, and water. As a step towards inspiring, educating and motivating children to act, a special assembly was conducted by Class II-A students on 19th April 2024 to commemorate Earth Day on the topic ‘Preserve and cherish the blue planet’

The assembly began with students highlighting the theme in association with Earth Day, conveying the relevance of safeguarding our planet and our environment through importance of the 3R’s (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse), saving water, reducing trash and waste, planting more trees and many more things. A beautiful mélange of an Indian song “Tick Tick” and a poem “We are the Champions” was presented by the students which was enjoyed by one and all.

A pledge was undertaken by all the young custodians to value the generosity of Mother Earth and create an awareness to keep the Earth Clean and Green. Our Head of the School, Ms. Miti Dhingra’s inspirational remarks focusing on the need for saving the Earth and the ways to do so marked the end of the assembly, followed by the National Anthem.

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Assembly - Power of Kindness - Uniting Against Bullying (Class-VIII A) 18th April 2024 – Assembly - Power of Kindness - Uniting Against Bullying (Class-VIII A)

“Let’s all treat each other respectfully, always”  

The students of Class VIII-A presented the morning assembly on the topic- ‘Power of Kindness-Uniting Against Bullying’ on 18 April’ 24.

The assembly started with the news bulletin, followed by a skit which depicted the issue of bullying and also showcased how kindness can help in solving this issue. Some tips were also shared in the assembly for preventing bullying.

The skit was followed by a dance performance by the students wherein they raised awareness regarding the issue of physical bullying and cyberbullying.

In the end, students and teachers took a pledge to do their best to prevent the issue of bullying.

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Inter Class Earth Day Activities - Planet Vs Plastic 18th April 2024 – Inter Class Earth Day Activities - Planet Vs Plastic

‘‘What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.’’ - Jane Goodall  

Plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, posing a significant threat to the health of our planet and all life forms that call it home. The pervasive presence of plastic waste in our oceans, rivers, and landscapes has far-reaching consequences, from harming wildlife to contaminating ecosystems and endangering human health.

In this context, an Inter Class competition on the topic "Plastic vs. Planet" were organized with the primary objective of raising awareness about the detrimental effects of plastic pollution on the environment and advocating for sustainable alternatives.

Students made book marks, paper bags and posters to raise awareness about Earth Day and encourage environmental conservation through creative expression and visual communication. The aim was to highlight the importance of protecting the planet and fostering a sense of responsibility towards nature.

The activity on Earth Day proved to be a resounding success in achieving its objectives of raising awareness and fostering a sense of environmental stewardship among participants. Through creativity and collaboration, the event underscored the importance of individual and collective action in safeguarding the planet for future generations. It served as a catalyst for raising awareness and inspiring action towards mitigating plastic pollution and preserving the environment.

Result for the competitions are as follows:

Reeva Darbari III-A First
Savi Sisotia III-C
Kavish Dhawan III-A Second
Hardik Nambiar III-A
Hridhaan Khandelwal III-B Third
Tyron Laishram III-B
Jazzlin Sharma IV-B First
Anjani Arora IV-D
Kartik IV-A Second
Parth Kumar IV-A Third
Nimrat Kaur V-B First
Ajinkya V-A
Avishka Sinha V-A Second
Shivansh Minocha V-A
Ajinkya Lavhale V-B Third
Deepti Jangir V-B

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Landing into New Horizons 16th April 2024 – Landing into New Horizons

"Each sunrise brings a new day filled with new hopes for a new beginning."- Debasish Mridha  

The school assembly held on 16 April 2024, presented by students of class IV A was dedicated to the theme of "Landing into New Horizons." It aimed to inspire students to embrace change, explore new opportunities, and venture into uncharted territories with courage and determination.

The assembly commenced with an inspiring thought highlighting the significance of embracing change and stepping out of comfort zones. Students were then guided through an enlightening global perspective, reminding them that they are the citizens of a vast, interconnected world. One of the students presented an illuminating poem, which motivated the students to seize the opportunities of new academic journey.

Following the poem, several students were given the opportunity to share some ways to achieve our goals, conveying messages of courage, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams. This added a dynamic and engaging element to the assembly.

Ms. Miti Dhingra, Head of School, emphasized the importance of resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset in navigating through new challenges and opportunities.

The assembly concluded with a message of hope, empowerment, and resilience. Students were encouraged to seize opportunities, push beyond their limits, and embark on their own journeys of exploration and discovery. The assembly served as a catalyst for personal growth, inspiring students to embrace change with confidence and enthusiasm.

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Astronomy Orientation (Classes I & II) 15th April 2024 – Astronomy Orientation (Classes I & II)

"The sky is not the limit, it's just the view." - Neil deGrasse Tyson  

In an era marked by remarkable advancements in space exploration, the captivating realm of astronomy remains a relatively overlooked subject in our educational curriculum. To emphasize the significance of astronomy in the educational journey of young learners, an astronomy orientation session was organised by the SPACE Explorers Organization at Sachdeva Global School on 15th April 2024 for the students of Classes I and II.

In this session, students were made aware of the planets in our solar system. To enhance their knowledge, they also made students launch a rocket with the help of a bottle. They also showed the model of a hydro-rocket during the session and launched it with the help of a teacher to make students aware of how rockets work.

The workshop provided an immersive and enlightening experience, encouraging students to actively engage in understanding the mysteries of the universe.

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Welcome Assembly (Classes Buds-II) 12th April 2024 – Welcome Assembly (Classes Buds-II)

“The road to freedom – here and everywhere on Earth – begins in the classroom.”  

Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for, our tiny tots came to school. To extend a hearty welcome and bring Classes Buds-II together as a family, a Welcome Assembly was presented on 12th April, 2024 by the teachers of Buds-II with great enthusiasm.

The assembly started with positivity of the morning prayer and was followed by a melodious song which totally energised the environment. In continuation to lift up the energy, the amazing teachers of SGS delivered a wonderful story through stick puppets which emphasised that friends can come in any shape or size and not to judge them by their covers. Thereafter, our Head of School, Ms. Miti Dhingra addressed the children with a warm welcome note. She motivated the students to work hard to accomplish their goals and make their new friends comfortable.

Students were indeed rejuvenated and enthused to see the affection of their teachers towards them. It was surely a significant and meaningful assembly.

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Assembly- “New Beginnings, Endless Possibilities 01st April 2024 – Assembly- “New Beginnings, Endless Possibilities

“Each new beginning is a path to endless adventures.”  

In the spirit of new beginnings and the boundless opportunities they bring, the students of ClassX organised an assembly that marked the start of an exciting academic year. The theme, ‘New Beginnings, Endless Possibilities’, it was a call to action, a reminder that each day holds the potential for growth, learning, and discovery. The assembly commenced with the news of the nation. Students were then guided through an enlightening global perspective, reminding them that they are the citizens of a vast, interconnected world.

The school’s recent achievements and future aspirations were highlighted, instilling a sense of pride. The ‘Thought of the Day’ further inspired the students, offering wisdom that resonated with the hearts and minds of all present. It set the stage for a powerful speech that explored the depths of the day’s theme, challenging the students to seize the opportunities of the new academic session with zeal and determination.

Following the speech, one of the students presented a self-composed poem that captured the essence of new beginnings. The assembly was brought to a close with a series of motivational strategies designed to guide students through the academic year.

Ms. Miti Dhingra, Head of School, graced the occasion with her presence and words of encouragement. She applauded the students for their creative and intellectual contributions, acknowledging the effort and passion that went into making the assembly a success.

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