Page 133 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 133
have become integral to our social as well as our
cyber framework. But have we ever felt that their
encroachment on the human race might lead to the
disappearance of our race.
• Today, using a bot detection algorithm, we
identify that “bot accounts” comprise for only
less than 1% of the network. But the number
seems to be rising at an unprecedented rate.
• Bots designed for scientific and medical
purposes, behave differently than common
social bots, which has critical implications on
research, evaluation and assessment. To a large
extend their reviews are fabricated and may not
reflect the true mind-set of the society.
Social bots have garnered a lot of attention
lately. Researches showed that they attempted
to influence political events such as the Brexit
referendum and the US presidential elections.
So don’t you think, they seem to be as powerful as
BOTS – ARE THEY a nuclear weapon that can threaten to influence
ETHICAL the thinking of the human race, which made them
distinct from the other beings on the Earth.
Bot is an abbreviation for “robot”. Bots are programs -Aegle, VIII-C
that are designed to run tasks or applications in an
automated fashion. Typically, they are designed to FUTURE OF TECHNOLOGY
perform tasks that are both simple and structurally
repetitive, at a much higher rate than would be
possible for a human alone. Technology by definition is the collection of
techniques, skills, methods, process and knowledge
Bots are being used that is used in the production of goods or services
• By many Web and social media users. With or in the accomplishment of objectives. Gone are
a malicious intent, they are the source of those days when the objectives were merely some
many dangerous attacks and also carriers of scientific gains.
unwanted messages, such as spam. Today technology is integral to our day-to-day living.
We can’t already imagine a life without technology
• By organizations and social media forums
to send considerable amounts of tweets/ and computers. But when I think of life in 2050, I
comments to articles. can imagine a life as we see in sci-fic thrillers today.
Some of the changes where technology will become
• To replace human intervention in areas of simple integral to our lives:
manual labour, such as service attendants, • Self-Driven Vehicles: The World Health
customer service interfaces etc.
Organization estimates about 1.25 million deaths
• To replace off-hours human services like- night- in car accidents each year. With the technology
shift guards, radio and television announcers,
• To man vehicles on fixed line tracks such as
metro or mono-rails
The list seems to be growing each day, with bots
finding a new place to wriggle into zones that were
human intensive. There is no denying that Bots
have been designed to help humans in more ways
than one. And it is for this reason, they seem to