Page 136 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 136

WHAT WE DIDN’T                                          Most people around the world will want to own
                                                                  a Bot that looks, feels and acts like a real animal
          KNOW ABOUT AI?                                          but eliminates the need to clean and feed them.
                                                              Khushi, IX-A
          Artificial Intelligence or AI as we call it has become
          integral  to  the  technology  industry  today.  AI   AI OR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT
          and  related  technologies  aim  at  development  of
          intelligent and interactive machines and programs   – OUR AIM FOR 2050
          that can help complement the efforts of mankind.
          AI has been integral to our daily lives and you would   AI, Space exploration, a super power or perhaps?
          be amazed to know a few facts about AI.             We Indians really like to dream big and wish that
          •   The term “Artificial Intelligence” was coined   our dreams would come true one day. Our former
              in the year 1955, when John McCarthy first      president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam always believed
              introduced it in the summer  conference at      that India will become a super power by 2020.
              Dartmouth College. He is also known as the      Though we realise, that this dream is still far from
              "Father of Artificial Intelligence”.            being achievable. India is still far from receiving the
                                                              much awaited “DEVELOPED NATION” title despite
          •   CAPTCHA that we see on most websites today      significant advancements in its infrastructure
              - a way to assess if the user is a human or a bot,   and huge investments in science and technology.
              is an extension of the Turing Test developed by   No  amounts  of  “Artificial  Intelligence”  or  space
              Sir Alan Turing in early 1950’s.
                                                              exploration programs can help India exit from the
          •   Most AI bots today are females- Siri, Alexa,    “developing nation” consortium unless we focuses
              Cortana, etc. The reason behind this gender     on improving the basic social and economic
              bias  comes  from  the  fact  that  female  voice   infrastructure of our economy.
              tend to attract male/female attention better.
                                                              Today more than 264 billion Indians are inclined
          •   Though the stage has been set to enhance        towards poverty. Millions of people suffer endlessly
              productivity and cut business  costs  by        because  of lack of basic medical and  hygiene
              including AI into our systems, it is an awful   facilities. For many despite the several initiatives
              reality that AI would cut more than 6% of our   under the “Swach Bharat Abhiyan”, toilet is a luxury.
              jobs in 2021.
                                                              Our government reserves millions of rupees for
          •   Sophia- the  famous  humanoid  has gained       development in the fields of science and space
              citizenship of Saudi Arabia. The debate         and many more millions are budgeted for social
              regarding granting nationalities and passports   development, but does that sum actually reach
              to similar bots has become a reality already.
                                                              the masses. I don’t believe that science and
          •   Google has integrated its AI platform with      technology are not important but are we really
              GMAIL to help prevent unwanted spam and         using science as a tool to upgrade our lives. The
              malware from unnecessarily cluttering your      huge sums of money spent in technological
              mailboxes.                                      prototyping can benefit the less privileged only if
          •   2025- might just be the year of the “Pet Bots”.   the areas of development are carefully chosen.

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