Page 129 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 129
Sarvodaya provides an opportunity for all-round ACHIEVE MAHATMA
development of the individual and the society. It
seeks the happiness of each and every individual. GANDHI’S VISION OF
Hence, it is superior to the utilitarian concept
of ‘greatest number of all greatest happiness’. SARVODAYA
Dada Dharmadhikari highlighted the distinction
between Sarvodaya and western-isms which ‘Sarvodaya’ is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘Universal
speaks of three stages in the evolution of Upliftment’ or ’Progress Of All’. The term was
humanist thought; first came Darwin with his used by Mahatma Gandhi as the title of his 1908
avocation of the principle of the ‘survival of the translation of John Ruskin’s tract on political
fittest’; next came Huxley with the doctrine ‘live economy, ‘Unto this Last’, and later Gandhi used
and let live’ and today, ‘Sarvodaya’ going one step this term for his own political philosophy. Gandhi
further asserts ‘Live in order to help others live’. got inspired from Ruskin’s book that he received
The main tenets of the Sarvodaya philosophy while he was working as a lawyer in South Africa
in 1908. When he first read the book, he could
as propounded by Gandhiji and subsequently not sleep at all, as the newly discovered ideas
explained by the pioneers of this movement are were inspiring, thereafter; Gandhi advanced the
as follows: concept of Sarvodaya.
1. Sarvodaya reiterates belief in God and, The main objective of Sarvodaya Movement was
further, it identifies that belief with faith in to eliminate distinctions based on race, creed,
the goodness of man and with services, of caste, language.
2. It attaches importance to the principle of Our country is one of the most religiously and
trusteeship as implying the abolition of ethnically diverse nations in the world, with
private ownership and the application of some of the most deeply religious societies
the principle of non-possession to public and cultures were religion plays a central and
institutions. definitive role in the life of many of its people, it
3. Sarvodaya envisages a new humanistic becomes very challenging to implement Gandhi’s
socialist society. Man will be the centre of vision of Sarvodaya. The idea of a Sarvodaya
such a society. Unless man cultivates values society is based on equality and liberty. There is no
like love, sincerity, truth, an abiding sympathy room for exploitation and class-hatred. It stands
etc., the emergence of a new society would for the progress of all. It is based on truth and
only remain a pious dream. In this process of non-violence. In order to implement Sarvodaya
change the State has little role to play. The economically, the most important thing for me
State, at best, can effect change at the level would be equal distribution of land, to abolish
of the external behaviour of man. It fails to the private ownership, reduce inequalities in
influence the inner springs of life. This mental income and wealth and decentralise industries.
transformation is only possible through Thereby, providing everyone equal opportunity
appeal and persuasion. to contribute in the national income. Also, the
4. Sarvodaya visualises a simple, non-violent removal of the reservation system would provide
and decentralised society. In the scheme of equal opportunity to the coming generation
Sarvodaya the people are endowed with real irrespective of their caste, gender and creed.
power. Democracy becomes meaningful and In addition the Sarvodaya society believes in
assumes significance only when its structure individual freedom, however, most of the people
is reared on the foundation of village in our society have strong gender stereotypes
Panchayats. therefore the role of education should be
5. Sarvodaya's ideal contains the content of to promote human dignity and universal
egalitarianism. It rests on the principle of brotherhood. So need of the present era is to
true equality and liberty. It stands opposed to “Thing globally and act locally“.
exploitation of any kind.
Chaitanya Munawali, XII A -Aprajita Sheron, XI-A