Page 138 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 138

being evolved they might just outwit the humans     Technology  that  can  understand  our  kind  of
          by 2050. There would hardly be a sector where       language and respond in kind, Technology that can
          bots would not have replaced humans so much         see and interpret the world the way that we do. In
          so that even the human touch would be replaced      fact A.I. is already seeping into our lives, through
          by that of a bot.                                   assistants  like  Siri,  Google  Assistant,  Alexa,  etc.
                                                              Just like this example, there are many other
          While all are excited about what AI has in store for
          us, have we ever thought of the negative impacts    instances in our daily life when we are involved
          of AI. Autonomous weapons, humanoid managed         with and surrounded by A.I. Without even thinking
          surveillance  solutions,  bot  pets  and  bot  babies   about it. Music and Movie recommendations,
          might just sweep the human race off their feet      enhanced decision making, avoiding traffic
          in the years to come. Any deviation from their      or real-time manifestations, instant machine
          programmed behaviour, if goes unnoticed may         translation, instant machine translation, self-
          cause more harm than good.                          driving vehicles and other powerful predictive
                                                              capabilities are several examples and applications
          AI solutions bring a lot of responsibility with     of how Artificial Intelligence is used today.
          them. The unprecedented growth in AI related
          developments as seen in the last decade would       Some scenarios where Artificial Intelligence can
          continue in the decades to come surpassing all      play a huge part in our lives in the future are:-
          predicted growth rates and their implications.      1.  Imagine if we could search our surroundings
          Thus it is imperative that we keep a tab on this        in the same way we search the web. Using
          development process so that human intelligence          existing cameras and advances in A.I., we can
          can control artificial intelligence and not vice        now find things and people in the real world,
          versa.                                                  in real time and take action to improve safety
          -Arpita Tomar, X-A                                      and well-being.

          A.I-WHAT IT IS AND HOW                              2.  Artificial  Intelligence  can also  help keep
                                                                  people safe in hospitals. Patients recovering
          IT’S AFFECTING US?                                      from heart surgery are limited to how much
                                                                  they should exert themselves. When someone
                                                                  exceeds prescribed level of activity, a nurse is
          Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), sometimes also
          called machine intelligence, is intelligence that       alerted the location of nearest wheelchair so
          is demonstrated by a machine, in contrast to            that the patient can be safely shifted.
          the natural intelligence displayed by humans.       3.  Artificial Intelligence is also useful in an
          Leading A.I. Textbooks define the field as the          environment like a construction site where
          study of devices that analyze their environment         specialized tools needed by various people
          and take actions that maximize their chance             are spread out, sometimes across multiple
          of successfully achieving their goals. The Term         floors. Using Cameras, this technology can
          A.I. is also often used to describe machines that       identify a specific tool as well as the closest
          mimic certain “cognitive” functions that humans         authorized person who can deliver to it saving
          associate with the human mind such as “learning”        everyone’s time and workflow.
          and “problem solving”.
                                                               -By Avikshith Raj, X-A
          When we talk about A.I. it is easy to
          imagine post-apocalyptic scenarios
          where we have been enslaved by it but
          A.I. is actually a way to enable people
          to accomplish more by collaborating
          with smart software. We need to see
          A.I. as putting a more human face
          on technology. Technology that can
          learn from the vast amounts of data
          that is available in the modern world,

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