Page 124 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 124



          1) Opportunity

          Indian high tech companies should create their
          own top position in the world by identifying
          unique needs of the developing world and
          fulfilling those by leveraging technologies. They
          should try not to copy the western companies as
          their needs are different. The high-tech industry
          is  going  through  disruptive  changes  because
          of transition to cloud delivered services. India
          should identify what services need to be
          developed and delivered to meet the needs of
          the under-developed.                                CREATING A BETTER

          2) Boosting Entrepreneurship                        FUTURE
          Indians inherently are entrepreneurs. A vendor,
          selling food in a street, is an entrepreneur. He is   A wonderland  never thought, never imagined
          a product manager who defines what customers        would soon be residing in our country in the coming
          want. He is a sales person as he finds the right    decades. The technological advancements will
          opportunity to sell his products and adjust         convert India into an epitome of modern science,
          prices based on the competition. This spirit        thus making the vision of A.P.J Abdul Kalam come
          should be extended to high tech products and        true.
          services  too.  A  culture  of  tolerance  for  failure   A whole new experience of modern technologies
          with best efforts behind should be nurtured.        would improve the imagination and creativity
          Indian universities should encourage research       of  the  upcoming  generations.  There will  be
          and peer reviews should be made a part of the       invention of autonomous cars and our everyday
          research culture. Researchers should be made        chores would be carried out by robots. There will
          to compete at a global level and should also be     be improvement in biotechnology and genetic
          rewarded.                                           engineering to cure and treat every possible
          3) Leadership                                       disease. The cost of electricity production will
                                                              decrease due to increase in use of conventional
          For an organization to become effective, its        and renewable sources of energy.
          leadership plays the most important role. A good
          leadership can lead to positive and effective       A larger section of people would speak English
          results. Leadership shouldn’t be based on           and there would be 100% literacy rate in our
          conformance to specific ideology or caste group,    country. Children would learn many different
          but competence and results.                         foreign languages and would enjoy an improved
                                                              and better way of learning and exploring. Indian
          When these three pointers will be fulfilled         tourism would develop because of the improved
          then our country will bloom with facilities,        infrastructure, safety and cleanliness. Indians
          achievement and technology. Literacy rate will      would get free medical facility and education.
          increase. People will vote more efficiently, not    Unemployment and poverty would disappear
          in accordance to their caste or religion but in     and also the crime rate would decrease to a large
          favour of a good leader. We will not have to send   extent. Women would get a safe environment and
          engineers to foreign land as there will be more     better place to live along with equal opportunities
          start-ups. With all our combined efforts we will    and respect. There would be peace, love and
          surely see our India in 2050 as a prosperous,       harmony among each and every citizen of our
          happy and a developed nation.                       country.
          - Prachi Arya, X C                                  -Mehwish Khan, XI-A

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