Page 122 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 122


          Peter Matthiessen once said,  “The concept of       world, it may not be able to produce and sell that
          conservation is a far truer sign of civilization    oil. According to a data, India spent USD 111.9 billion
          than that of spoliation of a continent which we     on oil imports in 2018-19. Conserving oil will not
          once confused with progress.”                       only keep the oil reserves for future generations,
                                                              but will also help us conserve our environment.
          Oil is a non-renewable resource. The rate at which
          it is being used is alarming for the whole planet.   Just like oil, other natural resources are very
          The use of oil is common to every human being. Oil   important to us and that is why it is necessary to
          is used for different purpose in our daily lives, from   take care of them and use them judiciously. If we
          being used in the kitchen to being used in heavy    want  to  live  happily  and  comfortably  and  to  let
          aircrafts. Day-by-day the population is increasing   the future generations to live comfortably too in
          and thereby, the rate of its consumption is also    the coming years, then it is necessary to conserve
          increasing. Due to such fast consumption, the       oil and protect to environment. It’s our duty to
          amount of oil is decreasing. In addition, it takes   replenish what has been lost.
          thousands of years in the formation of oil. Hence,   Creating awareness among the people especially
          it is our duty to use oil judiciously and conserving   the youth for national cause of conservation
          it for the future generations.
                                                              and environmental protection is one of the
          The reckless use of oil has led to many undesirable   biggest steps towards saving the Mother Nature.
          consequences. Global warming is primarily caused    In addition, sustainable development can be
          by the burning of fossil fuels that pump carbon     practiced. But the best option is to use of
          dioxide (CO2), methane and other greenhouse         renewable sources of energy such as solar energy,
          gases into the atmosphere. Global warming is a      wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy and
          serious problem. It has devastating consequences    hydro-power energy can prove to be better sources
          for the planet. The most immediate and harmful      over non-renewable sources of energy. This ever
          effects  of  global  warming  is  the  increasing   increasing demand for energy cannot be solely
          temperature. The effects also include extreme       met by fossil fuels. This will cause utter depletion
          weather events, glacier retreat and sea level rise.  of oil as well as destruction of the environment.
                                                              Moreover, electrically generated vehicles can be
          Besides damaging the environment, air pollution
          is also caused by burning fossil fuels which result   used instead of using pollution-causing vehicles.
          in  diseases  like  asthma,  bronchitis,  lung  cancer,   It’s time that this reality sink in each and every
          respiratory infections. Even the beauty and bounty   human being that one day oil will be costlier than
          of nature is affected.                              gold and it will be a reminder that oil is a necessity
          Countries like India  depend on importing the oil   and is important for the human race. So it’s time
          from abroad because  they do  not have enough       we start taking care of the matter selflessly rather
          stocks of their own. And countries like USA and     than selfishly, if not for ourselves then for the
          Brazil have low reserves of oil. Even if a country is   future generations.
          blessed with some of the most oil reserves in the   -Gunnika Bhatia, X-B
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