Page 127 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 127

2050: THE FUTURE                                TIME TRAVEL TO INDIA

          KZAP! “Yes! I’m finally here!” thought Mark. Mark                   IN 2050
          was your average VII grader, except that he had a
          secret. He had socks. Now you might be thinking,    I remember, it was 27th of June, 2019. I had gone to
          “What’s so special about socks?”                    sleep by 8 p.m. as I felt drained. When I woke up, I
          Well, these socks were no ordinary socks. They      realised that I was not on my bed but in a different
          were time travellers. Mark had found them on his    place. It wasn’t my house. An alarm clock near me
          family’s expedition to the Moon and yes, he was     showed 27th July 2050. I was shocked and went
          rich. So, he could afford to go to the Moon.        to look outside the window. While I peeped out, I
          Well, right  now Mark’s teacher was telling him     could see huge electro-magnetic trains floating
                                                              in air, running at very high speed. As I went out, I
          about the future. Mark became so curious about      could see buildings which seemed taller than the
          the unknown future that he realized that he had     skies. The streets were filled with robots. As far
          to find out. Mark rubbed his socks and said the     as my eye could see, there were only robots. On
          year he wanted to go to, “2050”.                    walking further, a robot gave me an electro pad
          In front of Mark was the most amazing and           newspaper. On reading it, I came to know that
          shocking scene you could ever imagine. He saw       India had become the most populated country.
          that there wasn’t a single future! In fact, there   Petrol and diesel had been exhausted long ago.
          were many different versions of the future. Mark    The newspaper showed hike in water prices,
          looked around in awe. He noticed that half of the   one ml of water costed Rs. 1000/-. The ozone
          future versions were good, green and developed      layer was almost depleted and the Australian
          but the other  half were polluted with mega-        continent was no more. Indians had found life on
          industries and only robots roaming the Earth!       Mars. There was no space to walk as every piece
          Mark  felt shocked and  surprised.  He  thought,    of land was covered with buildings. Earth had
          “Could India be like this?” He was puzzled.         started to break as there were no more trees on
          Then he spotted a sign, amid all the future         the planet. Many people migrated to Mars. Earth
          versions.  It  read-  ‘You  Decide  Your  Future’.   was no more, blue and green, but black and red.
          Suddenly it occurred to Mark and he exclaimed,      Suddenly, I felt a pat on my shoulder. When I
          “We must save our Earth today for a better          turned back, everything was blank. I tried to rub
          tomorrow!” He dashed home through his socks.        my eyes, the next moment I was back to 27th
          He immediately told his mother all that he had      June, 2019. Although, it was a dream but deep
          seen. She calmly replied, “Well, I guess we all have   down it was terrible realization which might come
          to keep ourselves green while we develop through    true indeed. This dream is a warning to everyone
          the years”. Mark understood her point. So, every    about  the  future  consequences  of  our  actions.
          day he took some time off his video games and       If recovery measures aren’t taken up, then this
          watered plants instead.                             dream will soon be our reality.
          -Ishaan Ahlawat, VII-D                              -Sai Smarrann SV, VII-D
                                                                                SACHDEVA GLOBAL SCHOOL  |   2019-20
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