Page 123 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 123



          Gary Zukav writes in The Seat of the Soul, “The
          essence of a person is not the clothing she
          wears or the things he does. People who love
          them do not stop loving them  when they
          change clothing or do other things. Your
          essence is not even your history, culture, race,
          or what you think and do. It is your soul.”

          The essence that he talks about, here, is not the
          material essence of a person. It is the essence
          of the soul of a human that makes up his or her
          personality. In Sanskrit, ‘Vyaktitva’ is the word for
          personality, which is made of the two words ‘Vyakti’   incurably gross and incapable of spiritual
          (Human being) and ‘sattva’ (essence), meaning       realization  or spiritual use to put this in
          essence of human being. When we do something        practice one has to start working on one’s
          again and again, we form a habit. Ultimately these   physical and mental essence of personality.”
          habits form a particular behaviour. If they recur
          frequently, they become a part of our psyche.       When  we  focus  on  the  development  of  our
          They are reflected in all our activities—what       spiritual or our higher self, we automatically feel
          we say, what we do, how we behave in certain        more in sync with the inside of us as well as the
          circumstances and even in how we think. They        external environment. This makes us feel more
          become the core of our personality.                 emotionally stable and charged which in turn
                                                              results in a state of outright mental balance. It
          Money, power and fame are a set of components       is a physiologically proven fact that a balanced
          that are required for materialistic empowerment.    person is more likely to act calm and wisely to
          These things may give you a ‘dashing’ personality   bring out the best outcomes in difficult situations.
          but will never give you a ‘glorious’ one. When the   In general, people also tend to like to be around
          personality comes to fully serve the energy of its   people who are happy and cheerful and have a
          soul that is, authentic empowerment.                well-balanced life.
          The ‘glorious’ or the ‘superior’ personality can only   Yet another way of obtaining the superior nature
          be attained by inspiring oneself to be spiritually   in a positive aspect is by the power of Hope and
          fulfilled.  One  has  to  inculcate  holistic  values  in   Faith. Not in deities. Not in scriptures. Not in
          order to create a persona that is truly sublime in   others but, in yourself. On an occasion of being
          every sense. But  the main question  arises that    introduced  to  a  person  who  believes  in  himself
          how do we do that? How do we procure such a         and has a confident faith, most people would see
          character? It is simple. Each  soul and physical    a personality that is more superior and glorious
          body is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest   than others’.
          this divinity within by controlling nature, external
          and internal. This can be done either by work or    Uplifting  one’s  personality  to  re-mold  it  into  a
          workshop or psychic control or philosophy. In       more superior or glorious one is quintessential
          this regard Sri Aurobindo says “I put a value on    to  attain physical,  mental  and  spiritual  stability
          the body first as an instrument, for sadhana,       which can help us to do wonders in our material
          or, more fully, as a center of manifested           life as well. This can be done by imbibing all the
          personality in action, a basis of spiritual life    qualities needed for inner growth through spiritual
          and activity as of all life and activity upon       means. Numerous ways have been prescribed for
          the earth, but else because for me the body as      the development  of personality, but it can  be
          well as the mind and life are parts of the divine   reckoned that the practice to instil holistic and
          whole a form of the spirit and therefore not        moral values into life has been unsurpassed.
          to  be disregarded  or despised  as  something      -Vaani Tandon, X A
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