Page 139 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 139


          With the invention of the electronic stored         •   How AI will add value in the years to come?
          program computers around 1950’s, the conditions     •   In the year’s to come, with the intervention
          for research in artificial intelligence (AI) were laid.   of AI, technological reach will increase, thus
          Norbert Wiener was the first to theorize that all       bridging the gap between the rich  and the
          intelligent behaviour was a result of the feedback      poor.
          mechanism, a mechanism that could be possibly       •   Technology would also help in facilitating the
          be  simulated  by  machines.  This  was  followed  by   reach of health services to remote areas.
          the development of the first AI program by Newell
          and Simon in the year 1955.                         •   Companies that would adopt AI in different
                                                                  ways, are expected to increase their
          Today, AI is integral to our lives just like physics.   competitiveness by 2.3 times by the year 2021.
          Theoretical AI says that Intelligence (natural or   •   Apps suggesting means to improve our
          artificial) is of three types:                          lifestyles (including monitoring our eating and
          1.  Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI): a stream of   living patterns) will become integral for us.
              AI which performs a single task with smartness.
              It is considered to be a basic concept of AI. Eg:   •   Bots designed for art integration have already
              Speech Recognition (only recognize speech);         become a reality.
              Voice Assistants i.e.  Cortana, Alexa  (only act   “Herbert Televox”, was the first ever humanoid
              upon voice commands which perform a certain     robot, built by Ron Wensley in the year 1927. The
              action)                                         bot was designed to lift the receiver to accept a
          2.  Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): a general-  telephone call and control simple processes.
              purpose area of intelligence. Its smartness/    Today we have robots like Atlas, developed by
              efficiency could be applied to do various       Boston Dynamics. Atlas is an extremely mobile bot
              tasks as well as learn and improve itself. It is   and has been designed with the ability to balance
              comparatively as intelligent as the human       while performing tasks such as carrying items
              brain. Eg: AlphaGo though only able to play Go,   even when it is pushed, something that could only
              but its intelligence could be applied in various   be imagined. Kengoro, the robot has been made
              other fields.                                   as similar to humans as the current technology
          3.  Artificial Super  Intelligence (ASI):  an  aspect   allows.
              of intelligence which is more powerful and      Sophia personifies our dreams for the future of AI.
              sophisticated than a human intelligence. Super   As a unique combination of science, engineering,
              intelligence can surpass human intelligence,    and artistry, Sophia is simultaneously a human-
              as it can think about abstractions which might   crafted science fiction character depicting the
              be beyond human comprehension.                  future  of  AI  and  robotics,  and  a  platform  for
          Today developments in AI have reached to a          advanced robotics and AI research.
          stage when it has seamlessly integrated with our    It is just the beginning of the AI era and a lot more
          household items. Optical character recognition,     are yet to be invented!!!
          handwriting recognition, speech/face recognition,   Lakshay Vedik, XII-A
          computer vision, virtual reality and image
          processing, photo/video manipulation, diagnosis
          (medical), etc have become inseparable from our
          •   Most e-commerce platforms are focusing
              in  areas  such  as  conversational  commerce,
              artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality
              (VR)/augmented reality (AR) and analytics
          •   The arrival of artificial intelligence onto factory
              floors is timely as experienced workers reach
              retirement age.

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