01st October 2018 - Drug and Tobacco De-addiction
In its initiative to eradicate drug menace from society, Brahma Kumaris De-addiction Services in collaboration with Delhi police conducted school mental health program for the students of X-XII at Sachdeva Global School, Dwarka on 1 October 2018.
The focus of the program was to provide insight to the students about the seriousness of drug addiction as it is a social evil.
Starting the session, Dr. Sachin Pranab spoke about drug addiction and highlighted the drug addiction scenario in India, the causes and consequences of addiction. He also spoke about preventive measures.
An interactive question-answer session was also held which was followed by short meditation session which certainly rejuvenated the students. At the end, an oath ceremony took place wherein the students pledged to restrain from substance abuse and help those who are struggling to quit. The queries were answered satisfactorily by the experts.
The program was highly appreciated by the students and the staff, as it was thought-provoking and gave students a reality check that “It’s never too late to quit, but it important to quit before it’s too late.”
08th September 2018 - Donation Towards Goonj
Our school has always endeavored to inculcate amongst all, the sensitivity towards the needy and under-privileged members of our society. Be it donating selflessly towards naturals disasters, conducting programmers for children of orphanage or interacting with senior citizens and gaining from their experience, SGS has always given us opportunities to be of service to our society.
Continuing with this endeavor, the students of SGS who took up the SEWA project collected donations towards Goonj’s Rahat Foods Campaign to benefit the people of North Eastern States who have been affected, destroyed and devastated by floods.
The material that was donated included: Blankets, Woolens, Mosquito nets, Dry ration, Toiletries, Utensils, Candles, Kids clothing, Bed sheets, School Material, Tarpaulins/old flex & ropes.