Page 31 - Handbook for Parents
P. 31

A)  PREPARE  YOUR  CHILD  FOR  children the  value of  education,
          SCHOOL                                 encourages positive  attitudes towards
          Children learn a  myriad of  skills at   school and helping children realize the
          school, and parents can help boost their   importance of their own education. Few
          child’s confidence and development by   simple solutions are as follows:
          focusing on some of these areas which  •  Create a  study area  or corner for
          are elucidated below:                      homework. You can start this
          •  Tell your child how enjoyable school    as  early  as  kindergarten,  and  it
              life can be. Talk about making         becomes more important as the
              new friends, playing with new          child grows up. Have  a  table and
              toys, having a nice loving teacher,    chair in a  quiet place away from
              etc. But refrain from making any       the TV, perhaps in the corner of a
              negative comments about school in      bedroom.
              front of your child.               •  From kindergartner to a high school
          •  Introduce your child to other kids of   senior, it is important to ask your
              the same class before you hand him     ward about his/her day at school.
              / her over to the school teacher on    You may ask open-ended questions,
              the first day of the school.           that can’t be answered with a “yes”
                                                     or ‘no”.  Listen attentively when
          •  Take the child along with you when      your child shares and refrain from
              you are purchasing his school books    passing judgements.
              and other stationery items.
                                                 •  Most  communication is  on  paper
          •  Pick up  a  student-teacher game        and is sent home with your child.
              when  playing  with  your child at     This includes reports on your child’s
              home. This way, you can even teach     grades, lunch menus, upcoming
              your child some simple school          events,  newsletters, requests  for
              etiquettes.                            materials from  home,  and  so  on.
          •  Get your child to sleep before time     After you have read them, save
              so that you can wake him / her up      them all in a file. It takes some
              fresh next day for school. Prepare for   effort to be consistent, but it makes
              your little one a light but nutritious   the child learn the benefits of self
              breakfast.                             organization.

          B)  SHARE THE RESPONSIBILITY           •  Exhibit an interest  in your child’s
          FOR YOUR CHILD’S EDUCATION                 learning  by   attending   school
                                                     performances and watching /
          It is possible for parents to work         listening to him/her rehearse at
          with  teachers  to  foster  in  children   home.
          an enthusiasm for learning. Showing

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