Page 27 - Handbook for Parents
P. 27

reopening of the school will attract   •  Unless asked for, bringing money
              strict disciplinary action.            to school in access of  INR  30 to
          •  It is compulsory for students  to       50 is not allowed.
              achieve  75%  attendance in  each   •  In the interest of their own security,
              term in order to be eligible to take   students are advised not to buy
              the  end-of-term  assessment.  This    or receive any articles, gifts or
              stipulation  can only be relaxed on    foodstuffs from anyone en route.
              genuine medical grounds, at the     •  Exploding crackers on any occasion
              sole discretion  of the Principal.     or splashing colours during Holi in
              Even on medical grounds, a student     the  school  premises or in school
              cannot remain absent for more than     buses is strictly forbidden.
              25% of total working days.          •  Bullying and the use of foul language
          •  It is mandatory for all students,       are punishable offences, whether
              unless instructed  otherwise to be     in or out of school. Students found
              present for  festivals  and  functions   using the same may be expelled.
              celebrated  in and outside  the     •  The  school is committed  to
              school.                                protecting    the    environment

          DISCIPLINE RULES                           and  expects its students to  be
          •  Every student  must carry the           environment  friendly  in all their
              Almanac every day and use it           actions. The  use of polybags
              productively.                          (plastic bags) is, therefore, strictly
          •  Students are  not allowed  to  bring    prohibited in the school and
              any weapons or sharp instruments,      students should consciously avoid
              such  as  blades,  knives,  paper-     their use for any purpose.
              scalpels, scissors etc., to school.   •  Students are  not  allowed  to
          •  Damaging or disfiguring any school      celebrate their birthdays or any
              property may result in expulsion       other occasion in the school by
              from school.                           wearing any clothes other than the
          •  Students  are prohibited from           school  uniform. They  are  allowed
              bringing any publication, reference    to distribute  only candies as a
              books, CD or other storage devices     celebratory gesture. Distribution of
              like floppies, pen drives or I-pods,   gifts is strictly prohibited.
              not relevant to academic pursuits.   •  It is  mandatory  for  all  students
          •  Bringing mobile phones, cameras,        to use the campus language of
              any  digital item,  expensive  pens,   English at all times except during
              pencils, pencil box, etc., to school   classes of other languages.
              is strictly forbidden.              Students must always exhibit respect
          •  Students are not allowed  to ride    for faculty members and mutual
              scooters or motorcycles to school.  respect for peers.

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