Page 26 - Handbook for Parents
P. 26

•  A student, returning to school after
                                                     suffering an infectious or contagious
                                                     disease, should produce a doctor’s
                                                     fitness certificate permitting him/her
                                                     to attend school. Students suffering
                       SCHOOL                        from the following diseases must
                                                     observe  the  prescribed  period  of
                        RULES                        quarantine before returning to
                                                 CHICKEN POX
                                                 Till the scabs fall completely (Not > 15
                                                 Till the child has completely recovered

          ATTENDANCE RULE                        (Not > 15 Days)
          •  No student who has been  absent  MEASLES
              on the previous day will be allowed   Two weeks after the rash disappears
              to attend unless his/her parent  (Not > 10 Days)
              has entered an explanation stating   MUMPS
              the reasons for the absence, in    Until the swelling has gone (Not > 15
              the ‘Record of Non-Attendance’     Days)
              section of the Almanac, for each
              day the student has been absent    WHOOPING COUGH
              from school. It is the responsibility   Till the doctor certifies (Not > 20 Days)
              of  absentee  students  to  ensure  HEPATITIS
              that their parents have entered the  Till the doctor certifies (Not > 20 Days)
              relevant  information  and  signed   •  Repeated absence without notice
              the Almanac, failing which; the        or unexplained absence without
              student’s parents may be called to     written application for more than
              school and asked to take their ward    six  consecutive days  renders the
              back home.                             student liable to have her/his name
          •  In case of absence of more than three   struck  off  the rolls. Re-admission
              days on Medical Grounds, Medical       may only be granted after payment
              Certificate & prescription must be     of a re-admission fee.
              attached along with application. ¬
          •  There  is  no  provision  for  half  day   •  All students  are expected to
              leave. Hence students who are not      attend school on the opening
              well should not be sent to school      day  immediately following  the
              even on exam/test days.                vacations. Absence on the day of

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