Page 32 - Handbook for Parents
P. 32

C) PARTNER WITH YOUR CHILD’S  •  Listen empathetically  with  your
          TEACHER                                   heart, take your child’s perspective
          When children  experience  a positive     and see the  world through  his  /
          link between their parents and teachers,   her eyes before coming to any
          they are more likely to have a positive   conclusion.
          attitude towards school themselves.  •  While  having  a  conversation with
          Steps towards developing a positive       your child it is important to make
          parent-teacher relationship include:      the child feels that he/she has your
          •  Be open and frank: teachers            complete attention and to achieve
              appreciate parents who  approach      this you need to turn off your laptop,
              them openly                           keep your phone down and make
          •  Raise any concerns  you may have       an eye contact with him/her.
              with your child’s teacher          •  Help your child learn about new
          •  Keep the lines of communication        words or content in a variety of ways.
              open: the more your child’s teachers   Talking about  the  new vocabulary
              know about your child’s individual    word over the week in various
              needs,  the  easier it  is  for  them  to   settings  will be a helping hand in
              customize learning and teaching.      enriching the child’s understanding
                                                    of the word.
          TIPS FOR EFFECTIVE PARENTING           •  If your child has an assessment/
          •  Encourage your child to take           revision  coming up, help  him/her
              responsibility and  accomplish  the   study a little bit each  day  rather
              given task independently.             than cramming it in the night
          •  Make  your child understand that       before.  An hour or so  every  other
              failure is a way to climb the stairs   day with spacing out the learning,
              of success.                           is a better way to learn.
          •  Help your child learn how to express   •  Ask your child about his/her day in
              frustration,  disappointments  and    the school, his/her school work and
              anger  without  hurting  others  /    see whether it is completed or not.
              retreating into sullenness.           Tell your child that you are proud of
          •  In your conversations with your        the work he/she is doing.
              ward, use the words and tone which   •  Try to answer the questions raised
              you would wish him/her to use with    by  your child  to  the  best of  your
              others.                               capacity without being judgmental.
          •  Clear  statements and instructions   •  Set routines for meals and bed
              are understood easily and effectively   times that will establish stability.
              by children.                       •  Encourage your child help you

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