Page 33 - Handbook for Parents
P. 33

around the  house  and  gain  discuss challenges and come up with
              responsibilities instead of waiting to  solutions  together.  Opportunities
              be served.                         for  these  types of  discussions can
          •  TV  viewing /  Internet browsing    occur  both formally (parent-teacher
              is not “bad”  but critical choices   interviews) and informally.
              of  “what  to  watch”  should be   Parents and teachers are members
              made.  Involvement of  the  child   of  the  same  team,  working towards
              in other activities gives a positive   the best possible education for their
              reinforcement  to   the    overall  children.
              development of his/her personality.
                                                 CONSIDER THE TEACHER AS YOUR
          While the parents  play the role of a   Let’s not be disrespectful  towards the
          teacher at home it is the teacher who   TEACHERS  of  our  children.  Because
          adorns the role of a parent at school.   this disrespect seeps in the tender mind
          Parents and teachers work together most   and from that very moment listening
          effectively when good communication    towards his/her teacher stops and
          exists on  both  sides.  Much  can be   so  does  learning.  The  solution lies in
          gained from exchanges where teachers   effective communication!
          and parents share  their experiences,

                     PARENT               CHILD              TEACHER

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