Page 25 - Handbook for Parents
P. 25

                                                 CCTV surveillance systems in the school are
                                                 a way of ensuring a safe, secure and healthy
                                                 learning environment for children. CCTV
                        CHILD                    cameras  are  of  great  help  to  monitor  the
                                                 movement of people visiting the school. The
                   PROTECTION                    entire school building and all school buses
                                                 are under the surveillance of CCTV cameras.
                    PROCEDURE                    V. PROVISION OF FIRST AND FAST AID

                                                 Although the school takes all measures and
                                                 precautions  to  ensure  the  physical  safety
                                                 of  the  students,  a  well-equipped  medical
                                                 centre and a trained nurse is available to
                                                 ensure first and fast relief in case of any
                                                 emergency. Depending on the crisis, the
                                                 student may be taken to the nearest multi-
          Ensuring safety and security of our students   speciality  hospital  for  appropriate  medical
          is our topmost priority. The following systems   attention. Parents must fill the medical
          have been devised for the same.        information  form  provided  in  the  Almanac
                                                 at the beginning of every session to facilitate
          I. IDENTITY CARDS                      timely action.
          The students of SGS are issued a set of three
          Identity Cards – Blue (for the student) and  VI. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES
          two Red (for the Parents). The student must  A  detailed  Disaster  Management  Plan
          wear the student I-card everyday to school.  approved by the Delhi Disaster Management
          A student will be handed over to the Parent/  Authority is followed in case of any disasters.
          Guardian/Van Driver only if the Parent’s   In the event of any emergency, a continuous
          I-card is carried by them.             alarm is sounded. Teachers along with
                                                 their classes vacate the classrooms as per
          II. VISITOR’S BADGES                   evacuation routes already planned and put
          All visitors must sign in at the gate and then  up. Regular Mock Evacuation Drills are
          report  to  the  reception.  At  the  gate,  they   conducted to keep the students aware of the
          must collect a visitor’s badge which must   systems.
          be worn by them in the school campus.   VII. GPS ACCESS
          The visitor’s badge must be returned to the   At SGS, we have GPS vehicle tracking
          Guards at the school gate when the visitor   systems installed in all the school buses.
          exits.                                 Such a system helps in ensuring the safety,
                                                 better management, control and monitoring
          III. MOBILES / DIGITAL GADGETS:        along with the other necessary checks.
          Mobile / digital gadgets are not allowed   The school and the parents can monitor
          to be carried either by students or parents   the location of the school buses by simply
          inside the school premises.            sending an SMS.

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