Page 153 - ALCHEMY 2018-19
P. 153


          In the past, education system in India was          Internet has given students an option to grasp
          restricted to the archaic simple classrooms with    concepts which were earlier learnt or should I say
          blackboards and quarterly exams to measure          “memorized” through traditional method.
          the student’s progress. Classroom sessions were     But the greatest of all the advantages is the
          nothing more than a monologue and for most          personalized learning solutions. Since all students
          students attending lectures was just a ritual.
                                                              don’t have  the  same learning  capability,  one
          Gradually the trends changed, classrooms            can personalize these EdTech tools accordingly.
          became more interactive. Children dared             And above all, the student can just ask as many
          ask questions in the class. Teachers started        questions with the fear of any disdain. Some of
          promoting interactions with students and special    the pioneers in this field who have revolutionized
          sessions called the “tutorials” were held regularly   the  complete  learning  experience  are  Byju’s,
          for personalized attention. But in all this the     Khan Academy or the online tutoring solutions
          “TEACHER” was omnipresent in flesh and blood        from GuruQ.
          and students believed that her presence was         With increase in Internet users, Edtech has no
          their guiding light.
                                                              geographical  boundaries, and  the availability
          In  all  this  it  was  learnt  that  “interaction”  and   of low-cost and high-speed Internet services
          “personalized learning path” can help the student   EdTechhas now an unprecedented reach. While
          learning process better. With some innovative       there are still many parts in India where students
          minds at work, personalized and anytime learning    still have to travel for an hour or more to reach their
          was revamped and “EDTECH” evolved.                  schools/colleges, EdTech has brought classroom
          From a student’s perspective, EDTECH has            into one’s living room. An online classroom is not
          revolutionized the global education sector. In      restricted by any geography or climatic conditions
          developing countries like India  where poverty      and has removed all boundaries imposed by the
          and over-population surpasses all other social      traditional education system.
          needs, education is important but difficult to      In a nutshell, EdTech offers parents and children
          handle. But with Edtech, it has become easy for     a stress-free environment to learn subjects and
          the Government to reach to the masses.              upgrade their knowledge. In a changing world
                                                              India needs to move towards technology because
          Amongst the various new age technologies,
          EdTech is undoubtedly the true out of the box       that is the way forward.But does this mean that
          innovation idea. EdTech offers a plethora of        the need for human presence is now redundant
          options to learn not only in terms of the content   in a classroom. No, for sure but yes the online
          but also in terms of the medium of instruction or   solutions are a great way to augment the human
          even the mode of content sharing. This combined     knowledge.
          with easy availability of smart phones and the      Akshat Dabas, XI-A

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