Page 151 - ALCHEMY 2018-19
P. 151


          "Every once in a while, a new technology, and       For anyone who has read Steve Jobs’s biography,
          an old problem and a big idea can turn into an      would not be surprised why it was made into a
          innovation." - Dean Kamen                           successful movie. Who would have thought that
          Each time we ponder upon the topic- Breaking        the person who created a company out of no-
          the Ice, we try to think of women who have tried    where was thrown out of it just when the company
          to do something extra ordinary. But is that only    was reaching its’ pinnacle of success. He bounced
          extraordinary? When someone things out of the       back to deliver the world’s smartest and most
          box irrespective of the gender such that their      innovative personal computing solutions. It is
          contributions can change the face of mankind for    true when people say the “Innovation at APPLE
          generations to come, how would you trace that       was Steve’s JOB”.
          achievement.                                        The military network in the US that led to the
          Needless to say, there are several such names who   invention of Internet (as we know it today)
          revamped the world with their intellectual minds,   was only another media of information, till the
          but a few such names who revamped the world         innovative minds of Larry Page and Sergey Brin
          with their intellectual thoughts and who seem to    revolutionised the way Internet works. From being
          inspire me today are Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and our   a one-way medium to becoming a collaborative
          very contemporary – Larry Page.                     platform, Internet owes most of it’s development
                                                              and enhancements to these young scientists,
          Who could tell that when William Henry Gates        who in their lifetime have brought mankind to the
          introduced Windows in 1985, this graphical          verge to technical excellence. Today there is no
          user interface based operating system, would        field (whether hi-tech or everyday science) where
          open  all  doors  and  windows  of  technological   Google has failed to innovate.
          advancements for the world. This new thought
          revolutionised the way people would use             It is only fair to say that it was these brilliant minds
          computers which has today become a house-           who have innovated the way the world innovates
          hold commodity.                                     today
                                                              Tanya Jain, IX-B

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