Page 150 - ALCHEMY 2018-19
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148  |  SACHDEVA GLOBAL SCHOOL  |   2018-19


          Surprising but true, Internet seems to be the oxygen   Electronics Engineering (IEEE), Chartered Institute of
          that every person is breathing today globally.      Public Relations (CIPR), and Cambridge Wireless. For
          Everyone needs it but not everyone has access to it.   someone like her and with her kind of education, she
          When I say ‘everyone’, it doesn’t really mean “every   can lead mankind to reach the top of the mountain
          person”, rather, it means men and women from        of dreams.
          different social background especially in the Indian   John F. Kennedy created the Presidential Commission
          society. Ever since our civilisation has come into   on the Status of Women (PCSW), which highlighted
          existence, we all know, men would step out of the   the need for women to fill a shortage of jobs in
          house to work and fend for the family, while women   teaching, science and engineering in the U.S.. At that
          were bound by the four walls of their house. But,   time, less than 1% of recorded engineers for women,
          as times changed, women too became bolder and       and the ‘time’ was the early 1960`s.
          decided to step into the outside world. They seemed
          to have gone beyond the normal and have ventured    Duncan is not a sole example in the field of IT a
          into newer domains. They too have stepped into the   field considered to be dominated by men. You
          world of Internet.  A world that has no bounds. Today,   would be surprised to hear that the first computer
          they are taking up their jobs whole-heartedly just as   programmer ever was a lady. Yet today, there are
          they performed their house-hold chores. They have   fewer women than men in science and engineering
          successfully moved forward and are making their     college programs and careers the world over. The
          presence felt globally; or I must say, they are bridging   numbers seem to be equally grim in the developed
          the gender gap and the generation gap too.          nations as well.

           “Looking back, I can hardly remember any aspects   In fact, according to recent statistics, college-
          (working in the engineering field) I didn`t enjoy, but   educated women are less than half as likely as men to
          there must have been some”, said Helen Duncan,      be employed in field of Internet. U.K. has only about
          now Managing Director and Founder of MWE Media.     9%  female engineering workforce, and  only about
          She is ‘a woman in a man`s world’. Yes Duncan is a   6% of registered women engineers and technicians.
          woman engineer in a world full of men. When Duncan   It is sad to see that while we are aiming to reach
          was studying for her EE degree (only a few decades   the  moon,  we are happily  ignoring  half the earth’s
          ago), there were only two girls out of group of 100 in   population. But despite such a grim situation, women
          her class.                                          are not depressed. In fact, they take this completion
                                                              as an open challenge and are coming forward to take
          An engineer with an Electrical and Electronic       the world head on. Women are actually ‘breaking the
          Engineering degree from the University of Leeds,    ice of stereotypes’.
          a member of the Institute of Engineering and
          Technology (IET), Institute of Electrical and       Lakshay Vedik, XI-A
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