Page 148 - ALCHEMY 2018-19
P. 148

146  |  SACHDEVA GLOBAL SCHOOL  |   2018-19

          FIND THE WORD
          1.  She is the World’s first Computer Programmer
          2.  The Hollywood beauty whose inventions helped develop Wireless transmission technologies like-
              Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth.
          3.  She is the inventor of the home security system
          4.  Known as the “Mother of Computing” – she is the inventor of the first compiler. She invented
              COBOL- one of the first High level programming language
          5.  The first African-American woman to earn a Ph.D. from MIT. Her research in the field of
              telecommunications helped in the development of touch tone phones,  solar cells, fibre optics
              cables and other technologies such as call waiting and caller ID
          6.  She resigned as the CEO of Yahoo in 2017 and has a net worth of over $600 M
          7.  She is the COO (Chief Operating Officer) at Facebook and became the first Lady on Facebook’s
              Board in 2012.
          8.  With a net worth of over $3.2 Billion in 2018, she is the brains behind eBay’s rise in the e-commerce
          9.  She is the co-founder of HTC.
          10.  She is the CIO of Malaysia’s Prince Court Medical Centre. She broke the glass ceiling for women in
              the field of technology as her career of 20-years progressed from selling IT products to setting up
              her own IT consulting firm.
          11.  She received her PhD in 1981 from New York University for her work on synchronization efficiency,
              created and maintains System, an electronic mailing list for technical women in computing.
          12.  She has been called "the most influential woman in the computer world". After fostering some of
              the biggest names in technology, she is now trying to help people live better with a new health
              initiative. She is also involved with the tech projects of Bill Gates.
              Z       Y       G        T       T       M        A       B        F       G        E       L

              S       G       E        J       M       A        R       G        A       R        E       T
             D        R       E        L       E       R        A       B        F       G        T       T
              L       A       M        A       R       R        S       G        E       L       O        E

             O        C       A        B       F        I       C       A        B       F       A        P
             V        E       S       W        D        E       H       L        O       S       G        E
              E       H       H        F       G       B        E       S        T       H        E       R

              L       O       E        Q       M       R        R       O        R       G       B        F
             A        P       R        A       Y       O        W       A        A       B        X       R
             C        P       Y        H       U       W        A       X        N       K       R        A

              E       E       L        F       G       N        N        J       Q       I       A        B
             R        R       L        R       G       K        G       G        T       T       R        R
             G        T       T        A       B        S       G       E        P       A       B        F

                                                1.   Ada Love Lace;   7.   Sheryl Sandberg;
                                                2.   Lamarr;          8.   Margaret Whitman;
                                                3.   Marrie Brown;    9.   Cher Wang;
                                                4.   Grace Hopper;    10.  Rani Nathwani;
                                                5.   Shirley Jackson;   11.  Anita Borg;
                                                6.   Merrisa Mayer;   12.  Esther Dyson
                                                               Khushi & Geetanjali (VIII-A), Palak Sahu (IX C)
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