Page 14 - Handbook for Parents
P. 14
SUMMARIZATIONS: • Summarizations are guided by
• In today’s world of infinite and the teachers till Class V, beyond
ever-changing knowledge, the need which the student is able to quickly
to sum up the content learnt has grasp and summarize a lesson, so
become an essentiality. The skill of that more time and effort can be
summarizing a lesson/ concept with dedicated towards analysis and
key points and their elaboration application.
needs to be learnt and practiced. SCRIPT:
The same when inculcated from a • Scientific Marion Richardson script
very young age can develop into a is followed elementary school
useful personality trait. onwards.
• Lessons taught are summarized on a • The script recommends simple,
fortnightly or monthly basis, where non-looped letters.
the entire class participates in a role • The most distinctive features of this
play to dramatize and present the script are the log open /f/ and the
concept. This extremely interactive, open /b/ and /p/.
collaborative and fun-filled strategy • The teachers are trained in the
helps in in-depth comprehension script and teach it effectively to all
and long term retention. students.