Page 11 - Handbook for Parents
P. 11
• Scientific- Sequential, logical and
Analytical; the instructional strategies
aim at creating a scientific bent
of mind, be it in fast and accurate
LEARNING solving of arithmetic problems by the
AT SGS Abacus (for classes LKG to II) or by the
ancient tools of Vedic Mathematics
The facilitation of (for classes III-X); or in the use of the
learning at SGS has a Marion Richardson Script which does
few features: away with the complex loops and
curves of the cursive script.
• Project Based (PBIL)- The skills of
planning, organising, teaming and
tasking are inculcated in each student
from a very early age by having
various kinds of projects integrated in
• Interactive- Moving away from the the curriculum.
one-way instructional strategy, the • Value Based (VBIL)– Keeping our
students are made to participate students rooted to the richness of
in diverse activities like role plays Indian beliefs and values is achieved
and enactments to ensure in-depth by regular value education classes.
learning. The school is blessed with patronage
• Experiential- The thrust of teaching by The Ramakrishna Mission which
is towards making each student runs regular programmes of Inner
undergo the experiential cycle of Awakening with the students.
getting an experience, reflecting on • Theatre in Education (TIE)– Be it the
it, brainstorming on the reasons and active, interactive, theme based story
thus taking a never-to-fade learning of telling sessions in the pre-primary
a concept or an idea. and primary classes; or the skills of
• Differential- The teaching-learning dramatics used in street plays, mimes,
process is designed to ensure that one-act plays etc in the middle and
students are imparted knowledge in a senior sections; the curriculum is
variety of ways, to ensure that each is centred around portraying important
able to receive and retrieve information social messages through the art of
according to his/her unique multiple theatre.
intelligence strengths. • Art in Education (AIE)– The walls of
• Hands-On- Doing is an integral part SGS are dotted with posters, placards,
of learning and the students are made collages and wall magazines, created
to use the plethora of labs for this by students, bringing forth sharp, stark
purpose. messages to the community at large.