Page 19 - Handbook for Parents
P. 19

Each House has a House Warden to
                                                 guide the students  in various Inter
                                                 House  competitions and  activities
                                                 conducted throughout the session. The
                     ENSURING                    Inter House Rolling Trophy is awarded
                   PERSONALITY                   to the Winner House at the end of each
                                                 academic session.

                                                  Harmony   Glory    Peace     Pride

          Morning  assemblies  form an  integral   Adventure Camps and educational trips
          part of the curriculum and are observed   planned as part of the annual calendar
          on themes which are planned at the     help students to explore, appreciate
          beginning of the session. Values, Festivals   and connect with nature; strengthening
          and Days of national and international   the bonds of interdependence and
          importance are celebrated through these   enthusing the tenets of preservation
          assemblies, ensuring the development   and    conservation.  Regular   trips
          of intrapersonal, interpersonal and social   to museums and galleries aid in
          skills.                                increasing knowledge and developing
          HOUSE SYSTEM:
          In  an  endeavour  towards  grooming  of
          students to inculcate the qualities of
          confidence,  team  spirit  and  healthy
          competitiveness, the entire school
          community from class III onwards is
          divided into  four  houses, which are
          named on the qualities that the school
          wishes to develop in each student. The
          four houses are:
                 Harmony             Glory
                 Peace                 Pride

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