Page 106 - ALCHEMY 2018-19
P. 106


                               INVESTITURE CEREMONY

          "There is no substitute for hardwork. Never give up. Never stop believing. Never stop fighting."
                                                                                                 - Hope Hicks
          The Investiture ceremony was held on November 19, 2018 in the school grounds. The graduating head of
          the student council Kartikey Rao and Anushka Kulshrestha shared their experiences and passed on the
          school’s flag and its responsibilities to the newly elected Head Boy Aryan Singh(XI-A) and Head girl  Shaive
          Sharma(XI-A). The various captains and house prefects were also conferred with badges and sashes. The
          young leaders took an oath to uphold the values of the school and vowed to keep the school flag flying high.
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