Page 168 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 168


                                           “Goodbye may seem forever
                                          Farewell is like the end, but in
                                           My heart is the memory and
                                    There you will always be” -Walt Disney

               BOY                                                       SHAIVE SHARMA
                                                                                   XII A
                                                               Being the school head girl, the word
                       ARYAN SINGH                             ‘Globalite’ to me means believing in the fact
                              XII A                            that ‘Excellence has no limits”. It’s all about

           Life at SGS is about imbibing lifelong values       believing in yourself and upholding the values
           which define who you are, my teacher,               and ethics of this prestigious institute.
           classmates and friends have taught me not           As a globalite, each one of us got a great
           only to be a sensible but a sensitive human         exposure to participate in debates, workshop
           being. Being the school head-boy I was able         and competitions- which helped me to grow
           to  sharpen  my  organizational  skills,  and       more confident. My responsibility as the
           above all, handling disputes and coming to          school  head  girl has  helped  me to  face all
           an amicable decision in group activities. It        challenges  and difficulties  without  a  frown
           provided me a great opportunity to identify         on my face. From knowing every part of the
           and tap the latent leadership qualities in me.      school to being a part of the school activities
           It made me more disciplined and widened             is something I truly cherish. Amidst all this
           the horizon of thinking.                            I didn’t realize it’ll end so fast but I see how
           I am eternally grateful to my teachers for          I  joined  school  crying  and  how  I’m  leaving
           having taught me and for those life-lessons         school crying. But I’m thankful that I had
           that extended well beyond the four walls of a       such a wonderful time at SGS.

                                              APROOV MISHRA

                                                        XII A
            My journey with this school wasn’t a short one; I wanted to get over with the school life as soon
            as possible. But now that I’m so close to it, I just don’t want it to end. SGS isn’t just a school
            for me, it has been a place where I’ve been able to learn and hone new skills. The amount of
            support I’ve got from my teachers, principal ma’am and my fellow classmates is more than
            what I could have ever asked for and to leave such a haven where I made so many memories
            is tough. My teachers not only supported me in my studies but also helped me manage my
            mental and physical health. Being a Globalite has given me immense happiness and courage
            because I have always been taught to never-give-up!

           SACHDEVA GLOBAL SCHOOL  |   2019-20
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