Page 157 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 157
Art Integration - a need for
scientific evolution
As they say “A painting is worth a million
Words”; indeed art is a creative expression of
an individual.
Since time antiquity art in its different forms-
music, poetry, dance or theatre has helped in
human growth- both as an individual and as a
social being.
Despite the unprecedented growth in the
field of technology, art integration plays an
important role in our lives. Unfortunately, art
in our lives has taken a back seat especially as
the role of education shifted to livelihood.
Is art just limited to the art rooms of a school
or to the colouring manuals bought for leisure Artificial Intelligence : Boon or
time? Bane?
Art integrated with education helps a child
apply enquiry, investigation, exploration, Science and Technology have now reached a level
critical thinking and creativity for a deeper of evolution where computers can recreate human
understanding of concepts and topics. level intelligence. One of the most widely anticipated
Does this mean that evolution of technology scientific developments of our time. Artificial
has drowsed a child’s ability to think and Intelligence has taken the world by storm. But whether
imagine? E-books, animated and audio- artificial intelligence will be our greatest benefit or our
visual content has crippled a child’s ability to biggest downfall remains a question. We are already
recreate words and concepts written in black surrounded by Siri, Alexa and GPS or face detection,
and white. which are all applications of AI. Without super
Art integration can provoke students to ask intelligence, our lives would be tough to manage.
questions such as- If I were a metal, how would I Fields like mining or defence can be hazardous to
artistically depict my journey of a combination human health, leading to diseases or injury. Using
with another element or how can I use Nukkad drones or robots prevents this from happening. Super
Natak to theatrically depict mitosis. Sounds intelligence can even facilitate space exploration and
amazing isn’t it? literally go where humans cannot. But at the same time
Art is a strong contender for experimental Super Intelligence has demerits as well. Science fiction
learning, as it enables the students to derive and futuristic films have often projected scenarios of
meanings directly from their experiences. robots acquiring the power to challenge their human
Art also has a positive impact on the creators. As machines and robots grow sophisticated,
development of communication, reflection non-managerial positions and labour intensive tasks
and enquiry, which ultimately leads to are especially under threat. Criminals could use robots
appreciation for aesthetics and creativity. and super intelligence, much like hacking drones to
Creativity and ability to envision the unknown cause serious damage to nations and citizens. Ethical
is imperative for technological progression as robots would be the need, given the value systems and
only then can we design the humanoids that accountability critical for its efficient functioning. The
thus far unimaginable. question arises ‘How can a robot be taught human
Hence the aim should be to emphasise an
inter-relative approach rather than receiving That’s why ethics and moral values are a must in a
mere instructions to learn and technology can student's life since he or she has bigger responsibility
help us in this approach only if we know where on their shoulders to create tomorrow’s robot. They
to limit its use. can program Futuristic robots with responsibility.
-Aman Arora Nangia, Seema Solanki,
Teacher-Computer Science Teacher-Computer