Page 156 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 156

Happiness Is An Inside Job                     the effort. The happiness, which we get, is often a

          We all know the feeling of happiness. What we don't   diluted form of true happiness.
          often realize is that whatever happiness we are     This leads to dissatisfaction, and by the law of
          feeling, is an emotion that is arising from within us.   attraction, this brings more people or events which
          The source of happiness, the pot which contains     trigger dissatisfaction, taking us further away
          happiness and keeps overflowing into our body and   from where we started—to find happiness. Thus,
          mind, is not outside of us, but deep within us. What   happiness when sought after outside often comes
          we are trying to learn and understand constantly, is   at a high cost. Happiness, when sought after inside
          how we can access that pot of happiness, and make   us, or from non-material things, is cheap, easy to get,
          it overflow.                                        and satisfying to the core. Next time you are chasing
          Happiness can arise from almost everything or       happiness, become aware, see clearly, and then
          anything. It can arise from seeing a beautiful sunrise   decide if you can change the direction of seeking,
          or sunset. It can arise from seeing a child smile, from   from outside to inside.
          hearing or singing a favourite song, from hearing   Sonal Malhotra, Teacher-English
          children squeal in delight, by helping someone who
          is struggling with something, by achieving a goal, by
          passing an examination or securing a job, by buying
          or owning something that we always dreamed of
          having, it can arise when someone recovers from a
          financial, physical or mental problem, when we win a
          prize or lottery the list is practically endless. In reality,
          there are a million things, people or occurrences
          which can  trigger that pot  of happiness  inside us,
          and make it burst and overflow.
          When we are operating from lesser awareness or
          consciousness, we are often blind to many facts,
          one of them being that happiness resides inside
          us. We invariably feel that happiness is possible    The Value Of Inclusive Education
          only when something in the external world changes
          to our benefit or comfort. While it is true that a   Every child is unique in his or her own way, but the question
          favourable turn of events in the outer world does   arises, ‘Do we treat them treated equally?’ Children come
          bring immense happiness, the outer world has its    from diverse backgrounds and they may differ from one
          own movement and rhythm, which are beyond our       another  in  their  physical,  mental  and  learning  abilities
          control. It often takes us many decades of good and   but they enjoy all the privileges together. They remain
          bad experiences, wisdom and maturity to realise this   in  the  same  classroom;  participate  in  all  the  learning
          fact. Since we feel that happiness can only come to   activities as other children do.
          us from the outside, we spend most of our lives trying   Inclusive Education  is  about  providing a healthy
          to manipulate the outer reality. Unlike internal cost   environment to children with disabilities such as
          of happiness, which is very low, smile at someone,   physical, visual, hearing or learning disabilities to cope
          to watch a sunset, to help someone in trouble, to   up with the regular academics with the help of some
          offer kind words, a piece of advice, to follow your   curriculum adaptation. But when it comes to some
          passion, give someone attention, praise, or our time,   section of Autism where the intellectual level is high or
          is a low cost investment in happiness. To connect to   when there is sensory processing delay/difficulty, even
          oneself, to meditate, to exercise, to eat healthy, to   though the child may be learning, there certainly would
          pray—all these bring happiness without much cost.   be difficulties in classroom behaviour and the speed of
          But when we want more possessions or favourable     learning. The difference can be bridged through support
          circumstances to bring happiness, the cost of       system provided by a resource team within the school.
          happiness—in terms of effort, time, money,stress—   Moreover some modifications, in the evaluation system
          all go up tremendously.                             might help many children who fall under this category.
          If I am programmed in such a way that I will feel   On  the  other  hand,  normal  children  learn  to  respect
          happy only when I own a big house, a luxury car or   their own individuality and also that of others. Students
          when  I take  frequent international  vacations,  or   enhance their emotional quotient as they develop
          possess fine designer jewellery, I am going to have to   patience, tolerance and compassion for their peers. They
          work hard, earn lots of money, and pay a heavy price   learn to accept the strengths and weaknesses of others.
          for my happiness. And when I do achieve that object,   The knowledge gained during the schooling years need
          I am often not as happy as I thought I would be,    not necessarily be measured in terms of academic
          because I have already spent or invested heavily on   progress. Children with special needs learns a lot in terms
          that project. I am left wondering whether the effort   of social etiquettes, communication, life skill, emotional
          and stress of earning and saving all that money,    balance, leisure time engagements etc. An Inclusive
          was actually worth the  vacation or the car that I   school provides opportunities for playing together,
          now have. The mind is always in a calculative mode,   learning together, being together and growing together
          and often tells us that the cost-benefit ratio of our   with diverse communities.
          happiness was not worth it. We land up slogging and
          saving, only to discover that maybe it was not worth   Prabhamayee Una, Special Educator
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