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            18:50:48 Replate Reason:
                                                                  FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2019
                      TOI - 14  OCTOBER, 2019                   THE HINDU IN SCHOOL  th
                                                                             TOI - 28  FEBRUARY, 2019
 Inter-house choir fest
 Anveshan and
 NEW DELHI: Celebrating  the hearts of the audience.  School Principal’s Day
 the power of music, 500                       Labour Day
 Mr. Ghosh highlighted
 talented singers came  that music is a great  Mathemania
 together to recreate a  equaliser and has the  NEW DELHI: Teachers and  responsible. She gets the  NEW DELHI: Parevartan  Class 5 students, followed
 musical confluence of  power to build a world  students of Kalka Public  job done and loves all her  School in Raj Nagar
 world cultures at  “where the mind is  NEW DELHI: Gyan Bharati  by students from 15  School in Delhi organised  students and staff here at  Extension celebrated  by introduction and ‘tilak’
 Springdales School in  without fear and the head  School in Saket hosted its  schools across Delhi.  aspecial morning  the school,” said the  International Labour Day  of the supporting staff by
                                                               students of Classes 7 and
 Dhaula Kuan on the  annual inter-school science  Springdales School, Pusa  assembly to honour  teachers and students.
 is held high”.                                on May 1 with great zeal  8. Gratitude was shown
 occasion of the annual  and mathematics event  Road, bagged the first  principal Anju Mehrotra  Expressing her  with its 87-member
 The event was judged  on the occasion of                      towards their hard work
 Inter-House Choir Festival  by Svetlana Radaskevich,  Anveshan and  position in Rangometry.  gratitude, Dr. Mehrotra  support staff. Founder
 held on May 10.  secondary school music  Mathemania on May 4.  Tagore International  National School Principal’s  said: “I always try to treat  director Brig. V.S. Chaudhri  through aarti by Class 12
 The chief guest was  teacher at British School;  The event was organised  School, East of Kailash,  Day, which is celebrated  my students with love and  and chairperson Vinu  The programme ended
             on May 1.
 music director Kajal  Srabani Bahuguna,  with the objective of  was declared the winner in  respect and I always try to  Chaudhri participated in  with refreshments and
 Ghosh. Director of  bringing out the hidden  puzzles.  The students gave her  keep a positive attitude  various activities.
 exponent of Hindustani                                        gifts for the supporting
 Springdales Schools Jyoti  classical music; and  talents of students and  The Indian School was  flowers. Dr. Mehrotra has  and I think it makes their  The celebration started  staff for their sincere hard
 Bose said that the musical  Nandita Basu, licentiate  generating their interest in  awarded first prize in  worked in the field of  day better, it makes the  with a welcome dance by  work.
 extravaganza showcases a  and associate from the  science, technology and  Animation with  education for over 30  teachers day better and it
 tapestry of different  London College of Music.  engineering.  Macromedia Flash and  years. “She really has her  makes my day better.”
 languages, styles and  The chief guest was  Birla Vidya Niketan  pulse on the school, the  She also awarded the
 Endeavour House was  staff and the students. She
 rhythms. The musical  awarded the first prize;  Sudip Pattanayek,  School, Pushp Vihar, was  meritorious students of
              TOI - 10  APRIL, 2019
 professor at the  is fair, kind and th  middle and senior school.
 fiesta captured the ethereal Forward House and  the winner in Test Your
 beauty of music in all its  Equality House received  Department of Chemical  Science Quotient.
 nuances.  the second and third prize,  Engineering, IIT Delhi.  Springdales School, Pusa
 The soulful harmonies  respectively. Anubhav  The events included:  Road, was also victorious
 and vibrant rhythms of  Rangometry, Puzzles-  in Science through
 Dhyani bagged the
 the Eight Houses in a wide  trophy for Best Soloist in  Sudoku and Hanjie,  Experimentation, and
 spectrum of languages  the male category while  animation with  Tagore International
 ranging from Latin and  Suranya Kathuria received  Macromedia Flash, ‘Test  School, East of Kailash,
 Urdu to Malayalam,  first prize for Best Solo  Your Science Quotient’,  also won the first position
 Swahili, English, and  Performer in the female  Science through  in quiz. Springdales School,
 Spanish found an echo in  Experimentation, and  Dhaula Kuan, bagged the
 Science and Maths Quiz.
 Rolling Trophy on the
 Cybersecurity was the topic  basis of overall  World Labour Day
 for Class 7 students who  performance. The prizes  Welcome assembly  DWARKA CITY - MAY, 2019
 made animation clips on  were awarded by Dr.  NEW DELHI: The Interact
 the issue. The quiz saw  Pattanayek and vice-  Club of M.L. Khanna DAV  organised.
 healthy competition. The  principal Sanjay  NEW DELHI: Class 12  Aaryan Singh and Apoorv  Public School in Dwarka  Aspeech on the history
 programme was attended  Bhardwaj.  students of Sachdeva  Gupta of Class 12-A.  celebrated International  of Labour Day celebrations
            Global School in Dwarka                           was followed by a poem
                              The assembly ended
            conducted the welcome  with a dramatisation by  Labour Day to appreciate  highlighting the role of
            assembly on April 4 at the  students highlighting four  and thank the selfless  workers in society.
            school grounds.  words: love, growth,  service of the support staff  Askit signifying dignity
             The assembly began  change and gratitude,  who work with full  of labour was the
            with a classical dance            dedication and ensure  highlight of the event.
                            that can bring about a  hygiene and security in
            performance followed by a transformation in ones  Principal Monika Mehan
                                              the school.
           poem recitation by  life.                          enlightened the students
                                               The workers involved in  about the importance of
 Parent-teacher match                        the construction of the  labour. Breakfast was also
          TOI - 27  AUGUST, 2019             school’s new building were  served to the support staff
                                                     TOI - 19  DECEMBER, 2019
 NEW DELHI: Bharti Public  with a competitive and  also invited to attend the  and construction workers
                                             programme. A special
 School in Mayur Vihar  sportive spirit. BPS Scholars  assembly was also  th by the students of the
 hosted a ‘PTM’ like no  (female team) and Yuvraj             Interact Club.
 other on April 27. Instead  Fighters (male team) took  Scholar badge
 of a Parent-teacher
 home the Dr. S.L. Batra
 Meeting, it was a Parent-  Rolling Trophy. It was a
 Teacher Match. Around 180 real cricket experience with  ceremony
 parents registered for the  flamboyant commentary
 event. The teams played  and upbeat cheerleaders.
 GURUGRAM: To celebrate
 above 90% were honoured
 improvements of young
 by principal Rashmi Malik
 achievers, Salwan Public  with scholar badges. She
 School in Gurugram  congratulated the students  Cookery competition
 organised a scholar badge  and motivated them to
 ceremony for Classes 3-5 for  dream bigger and raise  NEW DELHI: An Inter-house
 the 2018-19 session. The  cleanliness, art of display,
 the bar of excellence with  cookery competition for  time management,
 students who secured  each passing year.  students of Class 10-12 (an  confidence, motor skills
           activity under the ISA plan)  and team work.
           was organised on the  The dishes prepared by
          premises of Ahlcon Public  the eight teams (two
 Book club  School to test the culinary  judged on taste,  World Dance Day
                           participants each) were
          skills of the students.
            Students received  nutritional value,
 NEW DELHI: Manthan  session, Ms. Singh spoke  training and guidance for  presentation and  NEW DELHI: SBDAV, Vasant  and teachers. Principal
 School in New Delhi has  about how a thriving book  amonth before the event  combination. The judges  Vihar, organised a special  Anita Ahuja congratulated
                                            assembly on the occasion
 launched ‘The Manthan  club could open up new  learning about different  for the event were  all the winners and
 Book Club’ under the  healthy snacks that are  of World Dance Day,  emphasised the role of the
 avenues for people of all  Himanshu, interning in  which is celebrated on
 guidance of the school’s  ages. She also shared the  prepared in various  Hotel Clarks as a Chef;  April 29. Dance  performing arts in a
 managing director, Divya  right approach in writing  cuisines — all without the  Gautam Sharma, a  students’ life. “In addition
 Jain, and COO Puja  abook review. Principal  use of flame.  second-year student of  performances, educational  to its immense therapeutic
 Khurana. Tanu Shree  Poonam Kumar  Scholastic book fair  On the day of the  hotel management from  workshops, humanitarian  and creative value, dance
 Singh, a renowned  Mendiratta highlighted  competition, the students  I.P. University; and Seema  projects and speeches were  is an excellent vehicle for
 professor of psychology  the importance of books  NEW DELHI: A three-day  Activity. The most  had to prepare one evening Soni.  made by the students at  strengthening social ties
                                            the event.
 who runs two online  and how book clubs could  book fair was organised  incredible class of readers  snack and one drink  The students also  and generating exchange
                                              A‘One Minute Dance’
 reading groups, attended  foster critical thinking in  by Scholastic at Khaitan  received a hamper of books  within 90 minutes. The  learned about role of  competition was also  and dialogue. Dance is
 the event. During the  students.  Public School. A wide range for their class library and  activity was aimed at  science in day-to-day  organised. An open ‘QnA’  accessible to all. It gives
 of books on a variety of  developing and enhancing  cooking, and nutritional  shape to our aspirations
 were also acknowledged                     session saw lively
 disciplines were put on  soft skills such as  values of ingredients.  and need for self-                      103
 with a class certificate from               participation by students
 display for the students,  Scholastic. The Parent-         expression,” she added.  SACHDEVA GLOBAL SCHOOL  |   2019-20
 teachers and parents. The  Teacher Meeting on May
 fiction section attracted the  11 saw many appreciative
 biggest crowd. The  parents at the fair
 highlight of the event was
 browsing for titles for their
 the Classroom Challenge  children and themselves.
 NOIDA: Billabong High  IP team while Shrey
 International School in  Bhaskar (Niti Aayog) was
 Noida was abuzz with  awarded the Verbal
 activity and engrossing  up at
 Mention. Mehak Tyagi
 deliberation during the  (Special Summit on
 IIMUN 2019-20, held from  Nuclear Issues) received the
 May 3-5.  Verbal Mention.  school?  Investiture ceremony
 The delegates  Mansi Bajpai of the
 deliberated on matters of  same committee got Special  NEW DELHI: Apeejay School
 great importance such as  Every Friday  group sang a bhajan  possess to become good
 Mention. Sheen Raina got  in Pitampura celebrated its     Apeejayite needs to have the
 empowering women,  the High Commendation  The Hindu in School  investiture ceremony on  Naam Japan Kyon Chod  leaders. She also  essential 4 Ds: Discipline,
 dealing with terrorism,  while Prerana Singh got  has an exclusive space that features events,  April 25. The chief guest was  Diyaa. The newly elected  emphasised on team work.  Devotion, Dedication and
 eliminating nuclear threats  the Best Delegate award.  achievers and initiatives in schools across the  Madhu Pruthi, principal of  Apeejay parliamentarians  The Apeejay  Determination. Ms. Goel
 and waste management.  Anushka Thapa got Special  state. If you want your school to find a space in  Keshav Mahavidyalaya,  were felicitated by their  parliamentarians pledged  and Dr. Masih handed out
 The closing ceremony saw  Mention for UN Women.  the section, send in a small report along with a  University of Delhi.  friends who performed  to dispense their duties to  flags and badges to the
 felicitation of participants.  photograph (around 1MB in size) to  Thumri Nirat Dhang, a  the best of their abilities
 The Best Delegation award  The ceremonial lamp            newly elected Apeejay
 The best photographer  was won by Billabong with  form of Kathak.  and abide by rules and  parliamentarians. Dr.
 award was bagged by  High International School,  ‘School Notes’ in the subject.  was lit by Dr. Pruthi,  Ms. Goel encouraged  regulations of the school in  Pruthi told students about
         principal Veena Goel, vice-
 Also do mention the complete details of your school
 Anshika Sharma from the  Noida.  (Name, address and telephone number).  principal Sujeet Eric Masih  students by listing out the  the oath-taking ceremony.  the importance of TEAM
                         qualities that Apeejay
 CM     and the incharges. The choir  parliamentarians must  To be an Apeejay  work: “Together Everyone
 YK                                       parliamentarian, an  can Achieve More”.
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