Page 117 - ALCHEMY 2018-19
P. 117

Breaking the Glass Ceiling:

                         What, Why & How?

          In this fast paced, dynamic world, it is imperative that we develop the critical ability within both students
          and teachers to question, challenge and problematize preconceived notions linked with gender,
          race, class etc. The student editorial team of SGS conducted interviews with the staff and students
          about what they understood by the term ‘Glass Ceiling’ along with why they considered it important
          to overcome barriers. The interviews ended by inviting suggestions from the interviewees about the
          manner in which we, as individuals, as well as the society and institutions around us (schools, MNCs)
          can help accelerate this process of breaking the glass ceiling. A few snippets from the interviews are
          given below…

                               Ishaan Ahlawat                                      Rohan Sharma
                               VI-D                                                V-A

            What?:  To break a stereotype and do               What?: To do something beyond expectations.
            something different.                               For example, in a male dominated society ,
            For instance, a handicapped person playing         there have been several times women have
            basketball  and  succeeding,  despite  what        outshined men.
            society says.                                      Why?: Because women tend to excel in all the
            Why? It's important to break the glass and         fields, just like men can.
            destroy stereotypes set up by the world.They       How?: By helping  women  feel safe, by
            restrict communities from developing.              motivating and supporting them. But most
            How? The people can help and support the           importantly, by giving women equal  repre-
            differently abled.                                 sentation.

                               Atharv                                              Daksh
                               IV-C                                                V-C

            What?: Overcoming of unacknowledged and            What?: Achieving something unacceptable in
            invisible barriers to advancement, especially      the normal world.
            for women and people of color.                     Why?:  To prove that discrimination can be
            Why?:  Provides financial independence and         ended with hard work and honest efforts.
            self confidence.                                   How?:  Equal opportunities should be given
            How?:  By  bringing  light  on  the  issues  of    on basis of knowledge, talent and hardwork
            sexism and by  educating, supporting  and          irrespective of one's religion,gender etc.
            encouraging women.

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