Page 6 - SGS-Alchemy 2019-20 F
P. 6

Dr R C Chadha
          Managing Committee

          The    motto     of
          Sachdeva         Global
          School-          ‘Excellence
          has No Limits’- says it all.
          The school is synonymous to an
          everlasting quest towards betterment.
          This eternal expedition towards progress is in
          all fields; be it the knowledge-base of the teacher
          and the taught; be it the up gradation of resources with
          changing times; be it the intrinsic thoughts or the expressed
          actions- it is in the culture of SGS to strive to be better than it
          was yesterday. This dynamic journey is what makes the school alive
          with extremely bright prospects.

          Alchemy  2019-20 with  its vibrant  theme is a  volume of  thoughts towards
          improvement of all. I congratulate Team SGS for having urged each of its members to
          deliberate on the future- an effective deliberation can lead to concerted actions which
          can successfully change the world for the better. I am sure that these subtle efforts will go a
          long way in making the school a hub of strong thinkers and intellectuals.


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